"Hello to you to Sun Hi, Patrice isn't coming In today" Shay told her.. "I'll like you to meet my sister Skai and Skai this is Sun Hi Leon sister" Shay introduce.

They both exchange a hand shake, Sun Hi sat around the kitchen island beside Skai getting to know her while Shay prepared something for them to eat. Shay was amused by the way Sun Hi was nice to Skai unlike when she met her.

"So Shay you didn't told me you had a boyfriend" Skai suddenly said turning to Shay who was looking really shocked by her question.

"Nate asked you too be his girlfriend? He must really li--

" Nate? I thought he said his name was Leon " Skai said cutting Sun Hi off.

"His name is Leon--

" Leon as in my brother Leon? " Sun Hi said surprised. "But you went on a date with Nate" Sun Hi persisted.

"So there's two of them?" Skai asked glaring at Shay.


" Two of who?" Leon voice said standing by the door.

Shay froze when she saw him while Sun Hi and Skai looked at Leon standing by the door. There was an awkward silence between the four of them. Sun Hi looked at Skai who was looking at her with a "lets get out of here" look.

" I'm gonna show Skai around " Sun Hi said jumping from the stool.

"Yea I'd like that" Skai said jumping from her stool as well.

"But I'm preparing l--

" we'll eat later " they both said at once heading out of the kitchen.

Leon walked in taking a seat around the kitchen island and stared into Shay eye's. Shay nervously switched the stove off as they were in silence.

"Are you hu--

" Two of who? " Leon asked cutting her off.

"They misunderstood that's all.... So you told Skai you're my boyfriend?" Shay asked changing the topic.

"Well-- i- u--hmmm" he stuttered

"I accept... I'll be the Lady that will always be by your side" Shay said sitting beside him.... " but you have to be gentle with me, this would be my first relationship and I want you to take it easy on my heart other words promise you won't hurt me" She bravely said staring in his shinny brown eyes.

"I promise I will never hurt you" Leon said softly holding on to her hands.

"Thank you for letting Skai stay here, I promise I won't put any burden on you.... She can stay in my room" Shay said thankfully

"She's gonna need her privacy so you'll be giving her your room and you'll be moving into mine." Leon told her.

Shay froze, processing what he just said. She didn't know being his girlfriend mean she had to share room with him. She didn't think it's a good idea, what if they get carried away and stuff happened? She thought.

"I'll get someone move your st--

" Wait? What? There are alot of room here and I don't mind sharing room with her.... So moving in with you won't be necessary " Shay nervously said.

"It is necessary you're now my girlfriend and I want to wake up with you every morning.... I promise to take things slowly, I won't force you to do anything against your wish.... Just always want your company" he said sweetly kissing the back of her hands.

Shay thought about it for a while and she's will see how it goes, she trust him not to force her in anything. But she didn't trust her feelings being in the same room with him and sharing the same bed.

She had falling for him really deep and she just hope he hasn't break her heart and cause more misery in her life. She looked up on him smiling at her and she smile back nodding her head.

She was inlove with him..


Thanks for reading....

Vote and enjoy...

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