XVII || Special Chapter

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Looking at your husband bare face while his sleeping is the most magical moment in your life that no one else can have. You think that you might be the luckest women because you had the opportunity like this. You can't help but to touch his pluffy chicks that would love to touched by many.

It was your first night together that you are officially married. Having him as your husband was the best thing you could ever had. You still floating because of the idea that you was his wife now.

How can this happen? Am i still dreaming? I do lucided dream? You pinched your chick for you to wake up in this dream but your not dreaming. This is fucking true! Damn! It's true! You can't help but to laugh. I'm so lucky! you said to yourself while smiling like crazzy.

You still remember his vows. Its was the best vows you've heard in your entire life and you would loved to hear that always.

Yoy remember how he smile at you before saying those words.

"love is more than words. It's more that a sentence on a piece of paper, and my love for you is more that love. From the day i've met you i never wanted to spend another day without you.

You motivate me to be better, to be more of me, to not feel worried about the small things, and to expirence life to its fullest. I'm a better man because of you. I am a better friend because of you. And one day a great father because i have you.

You are my other half. My partner in crime but not real crime ofcourse. My best friend and my soul mate. I love you with every drum beat of my heart and it continues to grow every single day when im with you or just thinking that you will becoming my wife. As amazing as this day, our wedding day will be. The days we get to spend together, the life we will get to build, the adventures we will  create, and the lifetime of happiness that  we will share with one another.

I promise to always try, to experience new and exciting things together. To go on explorations, to never stop impressing you maybe in bed. To always be faithful to you, and to always be there when you needed me the most, through ups and down, through Pleasure or not. I promise to inspire you the way you insipired me, to lift you up when you fall, to kiss your cheeks when they are stained with tears of hardship and tears of happiness.

I love you with all my heart and i will forever loved you until my last breath.

When he said those words to you,  You feel like your the luckiest human in world because you have Kim Taehyung. You never expected this to happen but it happened and your so thankfull because of this.

Your tears started to fall when you feel that there is someone who's hugging you behind.

"Good morning, wife. How's your sleep?" He said while kissing your neck.

You just nod to him.

"Hey, why? Are you crying?"

"No, im just happy."  you answered.

"Oh God. Your so cute, wife. I love you."

"and I love you so much, my Alien."

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