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Part 13

*You went to meet up with Jungkook at a  nearby restaurant since he texted you and he'll treat you a lunch.*

*Y/N*: You better explain yourself Jungkook.

Jungkook: what?

*Y/N*: you cheated on me. You make me fool all this time!

Jungkook: Cheated?


Jungkook: ?!


*Y/N*: Did you ever loved me? Did you?

Jungkook: im sorry.

*Y/N*: I hate you. You are nothing but a stupid liar.

Jungkook: Im sorry.

*Y/N*: Let's break up.

Jungkook: if that's what you want.

* You left the restaurant flaming hot mad, you were scolded by the owner of the restaurant for yelling so loudly and you even didn't get to eat because of that scene.

You : aish... Jungkook's the worst! ever! I shouldn't have loved him, I deserved better.
Aish! Oh... yeah. I STILL HAVE TO TALK TO TO TAE! Oh my God. How am I gonna even show my face to Tae? I broke up with him in the first place now I want him back but he's already have a girlfriend. *

*You called Taehyung number *

*Y/N*: Taehyung?

Taehyung: oh, Hi!

*Y/N*: Can we talk?

Taehyung: Of course!

*Y/N* Have you eaten your lunch?

Taehyung: Not yet.

*Y/N*: Good. I'll treat you then.

*you both met up... being awkward to each other*

Taehyung: How are you *Y/N*?

*Y/N*: Im good.

Taehyung: are you sure?

*Y/N*: yes.

Taehyung: what do we need to talk about about?

*Y/N*: about us.

Taehyung: okay.

*Y/N*: I just want to say sorry ffor everything. For not trusting you. Im sorry.

Taehyung: I already forgot that. I forgive you *Y/N*.

You : I'm really sorry that I had to do it, I really thought you would...

Taehyung: Cheat on you?

You : Yea...

Taehyung: Didn't you say you'll trust me?

You : I did trust you , but you know me right? I get hurt right away and I didn't want an explanation.

You: I'm sorry.

Taehyung: I'm sorry too for not telling you the truth why I was there, I'm sorry.

You: I never knew you would go far that much.

Taehyung: I love you to the moon and back and to the deepest waters of the sea. I would never ever cheat on you. What do you think I am? A Playboy? I'm not like Jungkook you know.

You: i know.

Taehyung : You know? REALLY?
Why did you break up with me in the first place then?

You: Because I though you were cheating on me and you were a playboy.

Taehyung: See.... hmp.

You: That's why I told you. I'm Sorry. MIANHEYOOOO

Taehyung : Araso, araso. I forgive you

You: Thank god!

Taehyung : It was so hard not to talk to you, we're bestfriends before this happened.

You: I know right... aish. When did it all go wrong?

Taehyung : ...

You : OH YEAA... when you were at Eunhae's Place...


You: i missed you tae!

Taehyung: i missed myself too.

You: still selfish?

Taehyung: i missed you too then.

You: what happen now?

Taehyung: I need to break up with Eunhae first and then we'll be good to go my Love. We can go to a foreign country instead and live there for the rest of our lives.

You: That'd be great but

Taehyung: but what?

You: my parents.....

Taehyung: I'll take care of that Love. Leave it up to me.

You: are you sure?

Taehyung: Definitely, my love.

Taehyung: i love you, jagi.

You: i love you too, my love.

Perfectly You || Kim Taehyung || Chat Series || Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang