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Part 10

He was just right there perfectly fine not drunk. Lisa was pressed against the wall by Taehung his face was so close and he was still leaning forward, you couldn't dare to look and Suga was flaming hot mad.


Taehyung: Hyung! I can explain!

*Taehyung to Lisa*
Don't you dare hurt her. Once you do hurt her physically,mentally and emotionally. I'll be the one personally to put you in jail.

he said softly, Suga and you didn't hear.

You went outside and you were so confused and so mad you couldn't dare to speak. You were crying so hard. Taehyung ran towards you and just passed Suga without saying a word to him, Suga was all mad, he kept on shouting and shouting. Eunhae was still standing there being the devil and you were just crying all over the place.

Taehyung: *Y/N*, I can explain.

*Y/N*: Explain what?

Taehyung: I'll explain it to you, it isn't what you think.

Suga : Im going to kick you so hard Taehyung. I'm really gonna kick you so hard.

Taehyung: Hyung I can explain. I can explain, I promise it isn't what you think.

*Y/N*: No need to explain anything.

Suga: What? Why?

*Y/N*: Good bye Taehyung.

Taehyung: Love, no. Please don't.

Suga: Are you really doing it?

Taehyung: Hyung! you're not helping!

Suga : Im sorry tae but Im on her side on this one.

*Taehyung tries to hold your hand but you can't seem to stay put.

Taehyung: Love, please don't do this.

*Y/N*:  Yoongi oppa, Lets go! *You said while crying*

Taehyung: Love, hear me out!

*Y/N*: Oppa, let's go. *Not looking at tae because you scared that you would do a decision you would regret.*

*you left without Taehyung, you spent the whole night with Suga*

*Y/N*: Oppa.

Suga: what?

Suga: aish. Stop crying.  I'll take care of it okay? Stop crying.

*Y/N*: Thank you for your help. Thank you because you stay with me. I've never think that you're the one who would help me in this kind of situation. Thank you.

Suga: I'll stay at your place. I'm afraid you might do something. I'll sleep on the couch, plus its been a long time I've went to your condo.

*Y/N*: *You can't help but to laugh* Fine. Gomawo oppa.

Suga: No need to mention it. I'll take care of Taehyung, I'm sure he'll explain everything. Just trust him. Hmm Go and sleep now young lady.

*You just nodded to him and you fell asleep.*

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