Never Back Down

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Sword. Rusted. Armor. Broken. But my determination?  Never unwavered. My mental anguish was upon me I knew. The succubus of hate and despair was just down this hall. The castle was dark and wet, lit up only by the moon light and glowing moss. I have been traveling for days now in hunt of this creature. Our last encounter had resulted in the dismemberment of one of my fingers. My wife begged me not to go and my kids shed tears. But this isn't just for me. This for all of the 803 Hayes kingdom. Suddenly a bang. What was that?  I turned and saw the creature. The most disgusting feces covered rat you have ever seen. It bared it's teeth and came sprinting for me. I swung my sword and struck tile, shattering the blade.  That's okay. Hand to hand combat works. The rat tried to flank me but I was ready. Boom left hook. Bang right hook. The rat was bleeding severely. It knew this fight was over. " so rodent" I said with a smirk " you really thought you could beat me? That's amusing" It screeched. I picked it up by its tail and starting swinging it around "YOU LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH FUCK YOU FOR EVER BITING MY FINGER DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS TO NOT TAKE A NEEDLE AND SLIDE IT INTO YOUR FUCKING EYE SO I COULD LOBOTOMIZE YOU YOU FUCKING PIECE IF SHIT. I WILL FUCKING RAPE YOU " I whispered into its ears. The horrors this rodent brought gave it the worse torture. I hit it's head on the wall till it was shooken. Half drowned it. Starved it. Made it live in a humid shit hole. Finally after weekends of torture. I snapped it's neck with a nutcracker I bought at khols. All allegedly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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