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"Hurry up Wolf!" Scarlet screeched to her boyfriend who was not packing fast enough upstairs

She huffed. She'd wanted to be in Luna today before all the stuffy leaders got up there, but Wolf had had other plans yesterday. She ended up riding something, but it wasn't a spaceship.

She woke up and immediately regretted it, now they were going to be late. So she was running around her house packing and organizing and generally just grabbing things for the two weeks they'd be spending on Luna for Cinder's coronation. 


ACCEPT.   .   .   .   ?

"Accept!" Scarlet yelled from the other room. She ran in and tied her messy hair up into a presentable bun. Then she snatched up her portscreen from the kitchen table.

"Scarlet-friend!" Winter cried in delight through the screen. Scarlet felt a pang in her chest, she hadn't seen the crazy princess in quite a bit... and Winter still looked unnaturally, breathtakingly beautiful. She hoped Jacin knew that.

"Hey, Crazy." Scarlet replied smiling at the face staring at her in the screen.

"Jacin and I are orbiting just above your quaint little town... I thought that we might ride together to Selene's coronation! Right, Jacin?"  Winter called behind her.

"Right?" He echoed. Scarlet laughed, he'd certainly had is hands full these last couple of weeks, visiting President Vargas with Winter.

"That sounds great, Winter. When can you be here?" 

"Jacin says we can land in 20 minutes if that's okay with you." 

"Of course!" Scarlet said knowing it would take nothing short of a miracle to have Wolf and herself ready in time.

"Alright! I'll see you soon then!" Then Winter cancelled the link.

Scarlet stared at the balck screen for a bit. Then she frantically jumped up and ran about to attempt her miracle.

Out of the corner of her eye however, she noticed something etched on the doorframe of her back door. 

SGC : 20S, 27E

She dismissed it and continued her quest.


2o minutes later Winter was running down the ramp of a Lunar miniship.  And  Scarlet was running right back at her.

They met in a giant embrace and Scarlet smiled wide. Wolf came behind her and carried their things onto the ship. 

"I can't wait to tell you about my adventure to the Americas!" Winter giggled. Scarlet smiled fondly but internally cringed at the giggling.

She followed her onto the ship getting cozy in the  bay, then Jacin came up behind her and whispered...

"Do not have sex on my ship or I will float you." 

Scarlet turned around and laughed...

"Nice to see you too." then she lowered her voice " I'll have sex wherever I want to, and you can't stop me, I'm the Alpha here now."

Jacin just frowned and went to prepare for takeoff.

" Not to worry Scarlet-friend, I think he's a tiny bit agitated, Cinder hasn't had much luck with the replication of the bioelectricity device. " Winter whispered as she buckled into the seat next to Scarlet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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