"We feast?" Zach looked confused "The hell does that mean?" he said in low whispers. Suddenly a voice came from behind them, the halls were now  clear which was odd and Daniel suddenly had the idea that Damon compelled the entire school to leave, totally rad but highly impossible and insane. "It means that on the full moon girls" his eyes twinkled "Either you withold the chains or you kill"



"Welcome ladies" Damon opened the back truck as Daniel, Jack, Zach, Jonah and Corbyn jumped out "If kidnapping us and dumping us in the back of a truck is your way...." whined Corbyn but was cut off by Damon "Save your breath" he spoke smirking.

"What the hell is this place" Zach looked up amazed. The building was huge but was inside would shock them all. "Follow me" Damon walked away, they followed after.

"OH. MY.GOD" Daniel gazed at the figure before him. He smiled looking at each boy and landed on Daniel himself "Let me guess, Klaus' hybrid" Daniel stepped forward "It's a pleasure"

"No way we're freaking learning from Tyler Lockwood" Jack Avery looked excited. "This is awesome man"

"Damon somehow lured me to L.A. couldn't say no" he eyed all of them. "Time for business" he looked around. "As you can tell this building his ancient,built around Damon's time"

"It was what vampires, werewolves called home until an attack that divided both groups and they turned on each other" Zach and Jack gulped. He looked out to the sky "See that?" he pointed to the moon. "It's almost time" he led them to a basement "The night of the full moon is dangerous" he looked towards a huge chain and picked it up "These are guaranteed solid and will hold you down for the time being" they clinked together. "How you turn" Tyler walked around "Is important" he stared at Jack "So by all means you just don't go in broad daylight, stripped naked and start running all over the place" Jack looked terrified while Corbyn snickered behind "Don't do that, you'll expose us supernatural beings bringing fear to the human existence of planet Earth, we don't want that"

Damon stood beside Tyler, his hands loosed freely at the side "You two" he looked at Jonah and Corbyn "Besson you're with me" he groaned "Is there a problem?"

"No sir"

"They're now starting out fresh, we don't know exactly what they're capable of when they turn, you can stay here and be fresh meat or you can come with me and live" Before Damon knew it Corbyn was already in the truck "ARE YOU COMING?" he yelled out. Damon shrugged and whispered something to Tyler before walking off with Jonah.

*4 minutes before the full moon*

Once Damon was gone with the other two, Tyler gave them a brief session about control "It's up to you to fight it, killing an innocent life will scar you, mark my words, you can let go or fight it" he told them. Daniel was placed in an entirely different room from the rest considering how strong he was, both with the power of a werewolf and vampire combined. Tyler was skilled enough to tie himself up and they waited.

*Full moon*

Jonah, Damon and Corbyn were cramped in the truck at the side of a road far off from the building away from them. "It's scary" Corbyn kept repeating shaking back and forth. Damon looked at him annoying "You got a better idea" Corbyn shook his head. The moon peeked out in all it's brightness, howls were heard through out the night, at this point Corbyn had stopped shaking and a smile took over instead "That's so cool!!!" he exclaimed. Jonah agreed but Damon scoffed "That is until you want to kill" 

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