11| "...you are no foreigner..."

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Gemma smiled fondly as she watched the people of Wakanda go on with their lives as if the battle at Mount Bashenga never happened and ignored the intense gaze boring at the side of her head from a certain king.

T'Challa stared at Gemma with a loving smile on his face. He loves her like the first time, every time. Like the first time, all the time. And, there's no denying that he does when he freezes at the sight of her.

"Thank you."

Gemma turned her head to face T'Challa and saw him looking at her with love in his eyes. She couldn't help, but feel the warmth in them.

"You saved me. You saved my family." T'Challa continued as he stepped closer to her. "Our nation."

Gemma humbly shakes her head. "There's nothing to thank me for. It was my duty to fight for what I love. I should've---"

T'Challa pressed his lips onto Gemma's. Gemma closed her eyes for a second before opening them again as she and T'Challa slowly pulled away.

"You can't blame me, I almost died." T'Challa said with an amused look on his face. "Stay. You can still fulfill your calling. Please stay."

Gemma sighed as she looked away. "T'Challa---"

T'Challa placed a gentle hand on her cheek as he stared lovingly at her. "Stop avoiding me, stop running away from us. Face it, Gem. I want to know the feelings you're hiding behind that beautiful yet fierce Wakandan warrior exterior."

Gemma sighed softly. This is it. She has to make a choice. She and T'Challa can't continue to act as star-crossed lovers. They were apart for so long and fate brought them together, and now, it's time for them to act on their own, to decide what will happen.

"I love you, T'Challa."

T'Challa grinned, because that was all he wanted to hear. He grabbed her hand tightly with his. "You have lived your life and I have lived mine, now it is time we live them together. Be my Queen, Gem. Be the stubborn Queen that Wakanda needs."

Gemma would automatically shake her head and reject him, but she didn't. She simply stared at him, looking at his handsome face. She loves him and he loves her. The real problem wasn't the duty and responsibilities she has for Wakanda, but the thought of the people not accepting her for who she was. She was afraid.

"You are no foreigner, Gem, nor an outsider." T'Challa said earnestly. "Remember, that you are a Wakandan. To me, to everyone."

T'Challa gently grabbed Gemma's face, making her turn. Gemma gasped in surprise when she saw the street was full of people smiling at her with their arms crossed in front of their chest, saluting.

"You have already proven yourself to everyone. Do not be afraid. They accept you for who you are. You are not a foreigner, nor an outsider. To them, you are a Wakandan." T'Challa whispered in her ear.

Gemma smiled warmly at her fellow Wakandans and saluted to them. The people of Wakanda saluted back to her. She turned to T'Challa, holding back her tears.

"This won't be easy, but it'll be worth it."

Gemma stared lovingly at him before pressing her lips on his. T'Challa smiled in the kiss before pulling her closer.

They were in it, pulling away from the past and rushing fast into the future.

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