Help me

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I sat against the wall, hugging myself and just staring at the floor. A chain was snapped over my ankle and attached to the wall. The faint sound of my dad on his piano could be heard through the locked door. I sighed, wincing from the pain. Bruises were all over my chest and stomach, and across my back. Long cuts crossed over my limbs, and i could feel a black eye starting to form over my right eye.

I hate my life. Every day, it's the exact same. I was beaten by my dad with different forms of torture for hours. I used to try to fight it, but I soon just gave up. It's been going on for years now. My joints, bones, muscles, and body in general were always aching. My dad would often yell while he beat me, swearing to different people for 'stopping him from having the world' or 'kicking his ass'. I guess he liked to imagine me as those people.

I waited, listening to his piano. My eyes shifted to a loose brick in the corner. It could be pulled in, giving way to a small space to crawl out. That's how I was able to escape all those times. My dad and those demons never thought to check how I did it.

I waited two hours, waiting for the music to stop, implying that he went to sleep.

Finally, it stopped. I smiled, hoping to hear his footsteps walking off to wherever he slept.

Instead, they were walking right toward me!

I flinched as the door unlocked and was pulled open. My dads shadow passed into the room. I didn't look up, praying that he would just leave.

He walked up to me, his shoes clicking against the floor. I buried my head in my knees, whimpering out of fear. I heard him snicker. He then kneeled down in front of me.

I groaned as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, making me look at him. His big yellow eyes stared into mine. "God. Even with that black eye, you're still beautiful. Like your old man." He said, smiling. The very thought of me baring any resemblance to him made me shutter, and he noticed it.

He quickly smashed my head into the stone wall behind me. My mouth opened in pain as the back of my head throbbed. My dad then stood back up and turned around. He walked back to the door, shooting me one more look before closing the door and locking it.

I moaned as I pulled my leg up. I reached into the side of my shoe, and pulled out a small paper clip. It was my key to freedom. I jammed it into the chains lock, twisting it and turning it.

Finally, it made a loud click. I sighed as I pulled it off, massaging the area that it rubbed against. I slowly picked myself up, groaning softly at each shot of pain. My legs limped toward the loose brick, where I basically fell down in front of it. I worked my fingers into the side. It eventually became more loose, and I could pull it out. I got down on my stomach, and slowly inched through.

I picked myself up on the outside, brushing dirt off my legs. The woods surrounded me. The different colored stars lit up the sky, and some occasionally blew up.

I then hurried off, keeping low and quiet.

I never knew where I was going. I just had to get away from there.

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