The Grunkles Arrive

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The Stan twins were up at the crack of dawn and back in the truck.

Dipper woke up that morning to sunlight coming through the window and lighting the whole room. Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His hair was messed up, but he ignored that. The memories of yesterday came back to him and he looked over to the other bed.

Sure enough, the girl was still there. Her head had turned when he sat up and she was staring at him again.

"Did you sleep at all?" He couldn't help asking, silence answering him. He got up and walked over to the closet, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes. He glanced back at the girl as he went to the door.

"Wait here. I'll be right back, and...don't touch anything."

He then walked out and headed to the bathroom. "Mabel!" He called down the stairs. "The girl woke up, so please keep an eye on her!"

Downstairs, Mabel grumbled and turned over on the couch, a bit of drool leaving the corner of her mouth. Dipper walked into the bathroom and locked the door, turning on the shower.

I glanced around before looking at the door the organic had gone through. I slowly stood up as well, fidgeting in the clothes I was given yesterday. The shirt had something on the front, but I couldn't tell what it is.

Walking barefoot outside, I walked down the stairs slowly, my eyes constantly darting all over the place. I saw the female organic on the couch, clearly in some sort of sleep. I slowly walked over to her, a hand going out to feel the thing covering her. It was soft too.

I looked around the room. There was a black boxlike device as well as shelves with different colored rectangles. I walked over and pulled one out, finding that it seemed to open to reveal weird white flappy things. I couldn't tell what the black markings inside were, but I did recognize some of the pictures as the outside I was in before.

Putting the rectangle box back, I wandered further into the area were the female organic went to get those wonderful disks yesterday. They were so sweet and the substance used on them was so delicious. As soon as that first piece was in my mouth, it awakened something in me. I don't remember eating something that good before.

Maybe there was more. I walked into the area that had some things on the counter. There were circular devices and colorful bags. I saw a bright box with a colorful design on it and picked it up, finding that the top opened up, inside was a bag full of little symbols. More of them were a bland color, but there were also some colorful ones.

I picked up a blue one, and looked at it. It was a distinct shape as well. It smelled like something to be eaten, much like the disks from last night. So I put it in my mouth and slowly chewed it. While it tasted sweet, it also didn't have the same deliciousness as the disks. I put the box down and walked along the counter, looking at the different shaped and colored items. My hand wandered down to the side and found that there were compartments along the side that opened up. My finger dug into the middle and slowly pulled it out.

I jerked back when I saw the knives in it. My dad took great joy out of carving his symbols on me with them. Only when he had no more room would he heal me. But he always left the big one on my back. I couldn't help shivering as my hand subconsciously went to my back, wincing at the small burn. I could always remember getting that one.

My dad hummed a song as he worked the serrated knife down my shoulder blade. I whimpered, unable to resist biting my lip as tears streamed down my cheeks. I was forced to lie on the ground, my dad straddling my hips and two of his demons holding down my ankles and wrists.

"Tomorrow, just you wait and see, there'll be love and laughter and peace ever after. Tomorrow, when the world is free." My dad sang, his hands never faltering in their work.

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