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i had to re write this since the tags didn't work on the phone i hope it works this time -_-

these were the tags and they are my inspiration and squad that has inspired me and pushed me too write it 




they have been here since the start of this and i thank them i would list more but it would go on to long I'm happy you guys i didn't expect it to like it this much i honestly thought it was trash and i still do sometimes but thats my mind for you..  I'm glad so many of y'all loved this y'all gave me so much more confidence then i had when i started writing on wattpad and I'm honestly shocked that so many of y'all read this its insane but I'm severely thankful to y'all who has made a girl who has random ideas and made her into this person who isn't afraid to post her silly trashy stories so all I'm saying is thank you guys!!!!!

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