Chapter 17:A Trip Back Home

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(POV Yuzu)

they would have called "it's okay yuzu" I just pull away I can't believe I broke down like that I need a vacation "yeah it will be fine I have to go in a few days" she raises her brow "the out of state for a few days?" I nod "you are a busy 17 year old what about school?" I scratch my neck "eh I graduated early so did mei so yeah....." she just scoffs "whatever yu just have fun" I just hug her "ill see you later I got to go" she waves and I walk back to rikus and I see a little girl in a gi "um what the fuck? who is this kid" he runs out of his room "yuzu language also she is my niece your biggest fan Kira meet" the girl squeals "Yuzuko Okogi!!!! I read the latest magazine"  totally forgot about that "o nice to meet you kira how old are you?" "  I am 10" then riku jumps  in " um yuzu a word?" I just nod as her pulls me to the kitchen "I need you to take her with you" my voice raised "what the hell?I cant take a kid"  "please your her hero and i promised she could see your next fight" i growl "dont make promises you cant keep" he just sighs "ok yuzu ill tell her" he walks out to living room "yuzu cant take you"

she whimpers "why?" he looks away "she just cant ok" she nods i walk out of the kitchen and i grab  my suitcase "ill see you in a few days" he waves as i close the door i sigh as i drive  to the air port i board my plane i put earbuds in wonder whats happing back home 

(few hours later)

i am at the center when they call me out on the mat they call our names as we bow and we gt ready to fight she is a stealth fighter so i have to be quick i dodge a kick i get behind her and i go for that point but she throws me forward shit!! i  get up again as she rushes toward me her fist raised i sweep kick her causing her to lose balance as she falls get behind and i elbow her forward causing her to fall forward instead of backwards her having a broken nose and arm she gives up and the call me a winner 

(a few days later cause I be lazy)

I get off the plane man has it been a ride when I walk off  everyone crowds around me "is it true your the youngest fighter in history" I just nod and people snap pictures and once the wolves are filled I finally make my drive to my house I forgot how it looked I use my keys and I see someone on the couch mei..... I smile but it falls as I see her face contorted in pain I look for my dogs and they are in the cages asleep I look back to mei and I piece two and two together she must have stayed here and took care of the place I go up to my bed room and I see kiki  I try to be silent but I wake her "mama? that you" I just shake my head " have I been gone that long?" she jumps out of bed and into my arms "MOMMY!!!!!" I just hug her tight "im back kiki" then another figure pops into the room "yuzuki? why did you yell?" then she looks to me holding her then she rubs her eyes "yuzu?" I smile sheepishly "heya mei" she just stares I put her down much to her distaste "we need to talk" she just nod "me and mama will be back ok kiki?" like her mother she nods as we walk out the door when we are on the porch "yuzu where have you been?" I sigh "let me start from the beginning after I drove off I called a friend of mine and I have been staying there and then my agent called telling me ill be going out of states for a few day and I became famous" she just stays silent "but I came home cause I got homesick and I" I pull her face to look at me "and I missed you and kiki" she start to cry "we thought you would never come home" I hold her tight "ill always come back home to you mei" I wipe her tears I softly kiss her lips I pull away "its cold lets get inside" she nods and we go in my room there is where im pinned on my bed and she pulls me into a heated kiss as she pulls away for air "I missed you" she goes to kiss my neck 

A:and cut sorry  for the tease you guys but its fun see ya 

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