Chapter 11: The Last Choice Is Made.

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"On the left!" Followed by screeching tires. "Slow down!" Is what Clem hears as she slowly wakes up. "She's awake!" Clem hears Sarah yell from right next to her. She sits up and grabs her wounded shoulder. She looks around to find out that she is in the truck, with Kenny driving, Jane in the passenger seat with AJ, and Sarah sitting next to her. "Hey, you." Jane says. "Clem!" Kenny yells with relief. "Oh, Thank God!" "You passed out from the shock." "Am I going to be okay?" Clem asks. "You should be. How do you feel?" "It hurts." "Couldn't find the bullet. Must've gone clean through. It'll burn a while, but you'll be fine."

"Those suns of bitches. I mean, I expected it from the Russian, but Mike? I could tell they were workin' on somethin'." Kenny says. "I didn't think they'd go that far." "Yeah, well who would steal our food and shoot a kid? We never should've thrown in with trash like in the first place." "Is Bonnie okay?" Clem asks. "She took off on foot." "Didn't get this puppy, thanks to you and Sarah." "After you shot Mike and Arvo shot you, Sarah killed him." Jane explains. "Really?" Clem asks. "She shot him right in the head. Somethin' I shoulda done myself." Kenny says.

"Now that Clem's awake, we should talk about where we're going." Jane says. "We're headed north." Kenny responds. "What, to find "Wellington?"" "You sure talk a lotta shit, but you got a better plan?" We should head south, back to Howe's." "Carver's camp? The fuck kinda plan is that?" "I think Bonnie said there was more formula back there. AND we actually know where it is." "And it was overrun by a damn herd." "The Walker's should be gone by now." "Wellington's out there. We have to keep looking Jane." "Clem, you can't be falling for this." "She made up her mind, Jane." "Clem, please. This is suicide." "Why don't you let her think for herself for once?" "Why don't you?" "ME?!" "Look, even if there is someplace up here, it could take us weeks to find it. We could get back to Howe's in a day." "Tell you what, we can turn around just as soon as you pry this wheel from my cold, dead, fingers. How's that sound?" "Whatever, I give up."

Jane puts her foot on the dash. "Get your feet off the dash." Kenny's pushes her foot off the dash. "Let's play a game, girls." Jane says to Clem and Sarah. "I spy with my little eye, an asshole. Your turn." "Grow up." "Go to hell." "Don't touch her Kenny." Sarah says. "I was watching the damn road." "I'd make an eye joke, but i don't want to offend Clem." "You shut your fuckin' mouth. I am down playin' games with you, Jane." "Fuck you. You don't know a damn thing about me." "Oh, I know exactly what you are. Nothin'. Nobody cares about you, and you don't care about nobody but yourself. That makes you nothin'." "What is it with you? It's your family, right?" "Don't." "It is, isn't it?" "I'm warning you, you little shit." "Shut up! Both of you!" "Stay outta this, Clem!" Kenny yells. "Don't tell her what to do." Jane says. "You listen to me. You mouth off about my family and I will fucking end you." "Jesus Christ. I am so sick of this wounded warrior crap! Just pull over. I can't take this." "What? Runnin' away again? What a fuckin' shocker! In the end, still only care about yourself, right?" "And where were you when Sarita died, Kenny? Huh? Where were you?" "I was there. I couldn't...goddamn you. I loved that woman!" "Jane, Kenny loved Sarita!" Clem yells. "Of course he did! He loves anything around that does what he says. That's why he loves this kid so much; it can't talk back yet." "Fuck you." "You know the thing about people like you, Kenny? You're just a bomb watin' to go off. Everyone talks about you behind your back because they're afraid of you." "That ain't true." "Mike, Bonnie, Sarita." "You fuckin' liar. That ain't true!" "Everyone around you knows that sooner or later they're gonna end up dead. Sarita knew it, Sarah knows it, I know it, and so does Clementine!" "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY!" "FUCK YOU!" "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" "GO TO HELL YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"Jesus!" Kenny yells as he hits the brakes, causing the car to spin before stopping. "You okay?" He asks Jane. "I'm fine." "How's AJ?" Jane looks at AJ. "He's fine." "You sure?" "Yes." "Girls, you both alright?" "Yeah..." "Yes." "Kenny, I'm...." Kenny cuts Jane short. "Wait, hold on." "Go around." "One of 'em might have diesel." "We shouldn't stop here." "We're runnin' on fumes. Got no choice. When I holler it's okay, drive up closer." Kenny gets out. "Anything happens, I'll try to meet you there." He says, pointing at a sign indicating a rest stop is ahead. "Kenny..." Clem starts, but he closes the door and walks to the piles of abandoned cars in front of them.

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