Chapter 10: New Enemies, and Old Friends

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"How the fuck did that happen?" Kenny yells. Jane runs and kicks the door to the house open. "There's the fireplace!" She yells, running over to it. "Jesus Christ." Mike says. "Fuck! She's unconscious! We have to get her warm. She's gonna freeze to death!" Jane sets Clem on the ground, next to the fireplace. Sarah runs over to Clem. "Stay with us, dammit!" She yells as she smacks Clem across her face. That was enough to get her awake enough.

Jane moves her to the bench next to the fire place. "Why the fuck isn't she wearing her jacket? She might've had a better chance in the water with it on!" "We'll talk about that later, help me find something that burns!" Sarah yells, as she and Jane run to the other room of the house.

Clem tris warming herself up, but to no avail. Everything is freezing, and not to mention how numb she is from the cold. "He's just gone...Luke's fuckin' gone." She hears Mike say. "We should've gone around." "God dammit." Kenny says. "We should've just fuckin' gone around." "God dammit !" "I-I tried to help him...I just..." "Once that ice started to go, there wasn't nothin' any of us could do..."Mike says, setting AJ down. "Clem, tried to help him..." Bonnie says. "He just.. Oh God."

"You son of a bitch." Kenny yells in Arvo's face. "This is your fuckin' fault!" "Kenny!" Mike yells. "Don't, man!" "Don't WHAT?" "It's
nobody's damn fault." "The hell it ain't!" "I-It wasn't his fault k-Kenny!" Clem stutters . "Luke was shot." "And who got him shot?" Clem doesn't respond. "Look at this place. Just
a stack of fucking toothpicks. Bet those magical "supplies" are bullshit, too. What?" He shoves Arvo. "No speaka de english?"

"Fuck you." Is all Arvo says. "You fuckin' commie piece of shit!" Kenny punches Arvo, knocking him down. "Kenny!" "Fuck you!" Arvo repeats. Kenny starts punching Arvo repeatedly, beating the shit out of him. Clem runs over to stop him, only for his elbow to strike her right in her missing eye. Clem yells, getting Kenny to stop and look at her. "Just stop." Kenny moves away from Arvo. "What? I thought you wanted him dead."

Jane and Sarah re-enter the room, carrying several duffle bags. "What did you do to him?" Jane asks upon seeing Arvo's condition. She walks up to Kenny and drops the bag and a can on the ground. "Sarah has another one, he WASN'T lying." Kenny picks up the can while Jane walks to the fireplace. "You wanna tell me how a can of fuckin' chili is gonna help a baby?" "How is beating a kid to death gonna help ANYONE?" "This is your fault, and you damn well know it." Bonnie says. Kenny looks down, before turning to Arvo. "I'm tying him up." "Fine." Jane says. "Mike, help me get a fire started." "You okay?" Mike tries asking Arvo as Kenny drags him away. "Mike?!" "Yeah. Yeah, okay." He kneels next to Jane in-front of the fireplace. "You got a light?" "I thought I had matches.." Sarah sets the other bag next to the first, and looks towards Clem. "'re eye." Clem glances back at her before putting her hand on her bandaged eye, just to find out that not only has the bandage been removed, but when she lowered her hand, it was covered in blood. "Shit." "It's all over your face." "We can't worry about that now. If we don't hurry, she'll freeze." Jane states. "You're the one without any matches." Mike says. "I don't see you doing anything!" Clem pulls out the nail file from earlier. "You kept it." Jane says. She takes it and strikes a flint with it several times, eventually getting a fire going. Clem sits right next to the fire to warm up.

Later that night, Clem wakes up to Mike saying "Let me take a look at you kid." She glances and see him kneeling in front of Arvo. "Jesus. He could've killed you. The fuck is wrong with him." "You're up." She hears Jane say. "Kenny's out back trying to get some stupid truck started. He told us to not touch you, and with the face he had, we had no choice." Clem gets up and sits next to Jane. "So, I didn't get a chance to clean the blood off of your face. Sorry." Clem touched her missing eye to feel some dried blood on it. "Great..." "Here. You should eat something." Jane gives her a half eaten can of chili. "You okay?" Clem hears Mike ask Arvo. "Thank you."

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