Chapter 6: Never Trust Strangers

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On the way back, the three of them walked in silence for a while, until Luke spoke up. "Did the others make it?" "Yeah, they did. Except for Sarita....." "What happened?" "She was bitten in the horde, apparently she turned on the way there." "Damn....How did Kenny take it?" Clem grew angry at the memory of Kenny's outburst. "Not very fucking well." "I guess it went bad." "No shit."

"You need to control yourself Clem." Luke said with concern. "I know, I know. You're right." "Luke's right Clem, especially with if you....laugh...again." Jane said. Luke grew confused. "Laugh? What do you mean by laugh?" "Before we found you, Clem started to-" Clem quickly cut her off. "Don't. You. Dare. Bring that up." She growled. Jane's eyes went wide and she quickly looked away from Clem. "Sorry." Luke glanced back and forth between them. "I'm sorry, did I miss something important?" "No." "Alright, geez."

After walking in silence the rest of the way, they finally make it back to the group and Mike spots them. "Son of a bitch." He says as they get to him. "You found him!" "Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem and Jane, well.... I don't know what would've happened." Luke said as he walked past Mike.

Rebecca, while being supported by Bonnie, walks over to them, looking around. "Wait, where's Nick?" Luke looked down in sadness and looked back at Rebecca. "Uh, Rebecca.... how about we go for a walk for a minute?" He walks over and pulls Rebecca to the side as Bonnie walks up to Clem. "Let's just give 'me some space. I have something I need to talk to you about, too." She walks away and Clem can hear Rebecca softly crying "" with her face in her hands.

Clem, choosing not to interrupt them, walks over to Bonnie. "I ain't gonna sugarcoat this. That baby's coming even faster than Rebecca's letting on." She faces Clem. "I was hoping you might know... Does Luke know anything about babies? Has he, I dunno, mentioned Carlos teaching him anything? Just in case?" Clem stood there thinking of anything related to Bonnie's question. 'I doubt Carlos told Luke anything since he thought he'd live this long.' Clem thought to herself. 'But...' Her thoughts quickly shifted to Kenny. 'Kenny.' The rage came back to her. 'That no good piece of shit....! Had a family before....' She calmed down a little with the memories of Duck and Katjaa. "Kenny had a family." She suggested to Bonnie. "He could...well I'd say 'help' but he's pretty shit when it comes to doing that." "Oh come on, give the guy a chance." "The guy got plenty of chances, but he fucked them all up." She looked around. "Where is he anyways?"

Bonnie looked behind her to a tent set up a few feet away. "He went in there after you left, said he needed a minute to himself. I'm surprised you didn't see it." "Oh ha ha. I'm laughing." Bonnie looked back at her with a smile. "You gotta admit it was funny." Clem did crack a smile. "Okay you got me with that one." Bonnie's smile faded. "He hasn't come out since. I'm afraid of what'll happen if he does though." "I'll go in there." Clem said with a heavy sigh. "Thank you Clem. I really do think that might be best. Plus you two could make up from earlier."

Clem walked away from Bonnie and approached the tent, opening it slightly so she could walk in. Once inside she walks over to Kenny, who's sitting on the ground facing a corner. Since Kenny didn't look away from the corner Clem spoke first. "I wanted to check on you. Make sure you're okay." "I'm sure you do." Kenny said with sarcasm. "Okay, not really." "Considering your episode from earlier I guess you were forced to talk to me since the others are apparently too afraid of me." "That's not entirely true, I volunteered." Kenny glanced at her. "Really?" "Yeah, really."

"So, If you volunteered, what is it? I obviously ain't helping anyone in here." "The baby's almost here, and Rebecca needs your help." Kenny sighed. "Yeah, I guess she does. How's the eye?" Clem put a hand to her bandaged eye. "If you wanna look be my guest." "Heh, I'll pass." "Well then I got no clue." "We can check later, and about before..." "Don't even try to finish, I just want to move on and forget about it." "We shouldn't do something like that." "Well it's the apocalypse, I don't give a shit at this point." "You should. Family is all we got left."

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