Chapter One.

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I saunter through my house as I had just finish uploading my montage of my modeling tour, I get a call. I walk over to my phone and answer it.


"Hi is this Zahra Feene?" A woman asks

"This is she."

"Hi um, I think there's a package here at the postal office. Looks like a box of..uh...dildos?" the woman snickers and I roll my eyes knowing exactly who this was.

"Carmen get of my phone." I smile and she starts laughing hard.

I shake my head and hang up the phone and walk to my kitchen to make myself some dinner. I fix some pasta with green beans. Into the night I turn my phone and did my hour skin care routine. I head to bed around nine. I turn the TV on and saw that TMZ was talking about me. I smile as half of the team loved me while the other half hated me.

"And haters are the main reason I get the money I do." I smirk and I lay my head on the pillow and look at the ceiling. I let out a breath and close my eyes.

"I am-that bad chick."

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