Start from the beginning

"A new Yellow-Headed Amazon that came in last week. I'll let you know how it goes." 

Jamie leaves the room once again and I turn to Camie, "Any particular reason for this drop in?"

She nudges my shoulder, "Do I really need a reason to see my best friend?"

I smile at her, "I guess not." 

I notice a pile of papers in her lap, "What's that?" I point to them.

"That is Operation Mathlete to Beauty Queen, " she smirks.

I raise my brows, "Excuse me?"

She slaps my shoulder, "Did you forget what we discussed last week?"

I realize that she is talking about our 'revenge' plan. Is she really still on that?

"First of all, ow. Second, I thought we were done with that."

She pulls the papers off her lap and hands them to me.

"I've been working on them all week. I didn't want to tell you about it until I was done. . . What do you think?"

"Very detailed," is the first thing that comes into my mind. 

 She must have put a lot of effort into this, but I still don't know how I feel about the whole situation. Sure, I agreed to it, but that was before it was actually real. I didn't realize she would get so serious about it. 

I look up at her, "Camie, you did great, but I still don't know if I want to do this."

 She snatches the papers from my hand, "Well, that's because you only looked at the first page, silly. I have each step carefully planned out. Just let me explain it to you."

I decide to at least hear her out, "Go ahead."

"Step One, Barbie School," she flips the page around to show me a collage of different movies.

"What is this?"

"I'm glad you asked," she says sarcastically, "With the help of all of our favorite movies, we are going to teach you how to be popular."

"Seriously, that's your plan? Watch a bunch of movies?" I question her, slightly dumbfounded.

"Not just any movies, I'm talking 'Mean Girls,' 'Legally Blonde,' 'Heathers,' and of course, 'Clueless.'"

Her plan suddenly makes more sense to me. 

"We'll watch-no, study, these movies, and you'll learn how to pass off as popular."

 I lay back onto my bed, "Alright, what's step two?"

"I'm not done with step one." Of course, she isn't. "The second part of step one is a makeover."

I sit up, "What kind of makeover?" 

She smiles at me, "First, I made you an appointment to get you fitted for contacts . . . and to get your hair dyed."

"You've got to be kidding me. The one thing I said was that I wasn't going to dye my hair!" 

"I know, I know, but this is never going to work if they can still recognize you!" She explains to me.

I suppose she's right, but something else begins to cross my mind.

"How do you expect me to pay for all this?"

  I haven't had a job in months, and most of the money I had saved went into paying for food when my parents hadn't come home yet. The hair dying shouldn't cost much, but I know contacts are expensive.

"Consider it my donation to the cause." 

I shake my head, "Camie, I can't let you do that."

"Yes, you can Ashlyn. This is something I believe in, and it's worth having to take out an extra loan for college," she lets out a laugh.

"So this is really happening then?" 

"Only if you want it to," she places her hand on my shoulder.

"I do."

She nods, grabs the papers again and sits back down on my bed, "Step two, Be a Barbie."

What the hell did I just get myself into?


  It's been too long, but I'm back. . . For now anyways. I recently got the random urge to try and write some more of this book, so here we are. I'm very sorry for my absence, and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Have an awesomely awesome day!

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