Chapter 3- Third Time Lucky

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Chapter 3

Third Time Lucky

I walked to last period gym, which was being held in class today because of the slight drizzle of rain outside and because we had to do a quiz, after departing with Emily and opened the door when everyone turned their heads and stared at me. I ground internally, put my head down and walked to my seat, right at the back of the class. I guess everyone heard what happened in Bio. I thought to myself as I slouched further down in my seat, feeling everyone's eyes on me. My thoughts were interrupted when someone sat down beside me in the empty chair. I turned in my seat, half expecting to see one of the nerds sitting next to me, only for it to be the "newbie", Silas Black. He looked down at me, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Hey" he drawled in that sexy voice of his and I couldn't help but take a sharp intake of breath. I nodded in acknowledgement, not trusting my voice to speak.

"I'm Silas Black" he said holding out his hand. I looked between him and his hand and hesitated

"Yeah, I know it's kinda hard to miss" I blurted out and he looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"I mean, everyone here's talking about you so......" I stuttered, trailing off hoping he'd understand.

"Really? And what are they saying about me?" he questioned, humour dripping from every word he spoke. I blushed, not knowing what to say when I realised that his hand was still outstretched, indicating I shake it.

"Um... I'm Lena" I said putting my hand in his, trying to change the topic, only to draw it back immediately as the contact shot a toe curling spark of lightning through my arm. I gasped in shock and looked up into his eyes only to see them change in to a sparkling silver.

"Your eyes..." I whispered "how do you....?" I trailed off.

"Yeah...they're uh... the fluorescence...." he stuttered. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Twilight? Seriously?" I questioned, trying to keep a straight face. He chuckled and held up his hands in defeat.

"You caught me" he said smiling his heart stopping smile. I couldn't help but smile back as I shook my head and looked towards the front just in time for the teacher, Mrs Parker, to walk in.

"Ok, settle down class!" she said and the class went silent. "As you all know Gym has been cancelled for all of two reasons" she started, holding up her pointer finger "first, it's raining out and second," she said holding up her index finger, "Coach Carter isn't in today, so instead you're all going to do a quiz, and after you have finished it, pass it to the person sitting next to you to mark." She explained as she handed the quizzes out. The class erupted in to moans and groans and I looked to the right only to see Silas staring at me intently.

"What?" I questioned hoping there was nothing on my face. He shook his head and mumbled a "nothing" and quickly looked away, his brows furrowed.

Throughout the whole lesson I could feel his eyes on me but whenever I looked in his direction he would quickly divert his gaze. Why is he staring at me? Is there something on my face? Oh god please say there's nothing on my face. I pleaded silently as the bell rang and everyone shot out of their seats eager to go home, leaving me behind, with Silas, to gather my books.

I got up out of my chair and slowly started to collect my books, feeling Silas's eyes on me. I turned towards him, intending to ask him right out what his problem was and why he was staring at me as if I'd grown a second head or something, when Sarah came rushing through the door.

"Lena what's taking you......ooooh" she said coming to an abrupt halt. I looked up at her about to reply, only to repress a giggle from her expression. Her eyes were popping out of her head and her mouth was hanging open.

"Sarah what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"OH MY GAWD!" she shouted, completely ignoring my question. "You're the newbie right? Sirius Black or something? Gawd your sexier than I thought you were" she said addressing to my right, fanning her face.

"What?" I said exasperated at her bluntness, and looked to my right to find Silas still sitting in his seat, his eyes shining with amusement.

"It's Silas Black and yep that's definitely me!" he said with that I'm-good-looking-and-I-know-it smirk.

"Whatever" I mumbled and flung my back pack on to my shoulder and walked around the desk, only for Silas to get up off his chair, blocking my way. We stood face to face now, his just-over 6ft frame hovering over my 5ft 6 one, and I couldn't help but look in to his mesmerizing eyes. They were shining again and his pupils were dilated. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by an annoying Sarah.

"Lena? Aren't you going to introduce me to this.....hulk of a man?" and gave her signature smirk.

"You can introduce yourself. I'm outa here" I said looking up at Silas I mumbled a small "excuse me" and tried to walk past him. He blocked my way and leaning forward whispered in my ear.

"We need to talk"

I looked up at him confused, and then it clicked, The Kiss. He wanted to talk about the kiss. I felt my face burn and knew a blush was making its way up my neck as I recalled that day in the hospital. He looked at me and smirked and I realised that he too was remembering that day he walked in to my mom's hospital room and kissed me senseless and then disappeared straight after. I felt my face heat up even more as the blush, I'm sure was smouldered on my face, grew in colour if that was even possible.

"Um Sarah we gotta go! See ya Silas!" I rushed and pushed my way past Silas and hurried out the classroom dragging an irritated Sarah behind me.

"Hey! What was that for? You should have at least introduced me!" Sarah whined as we made our way through the now empty corridor.

"Introduced you? Sarah you were pretty much introducing yourself with all that drool coming out of your mouth" I teased and mock punched her arm.

"Ow! And I was NOT drooling!" she shouted unknowing wiping her mouth "I was just.... enjoying the view that's all."

"With your mouth open?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh shut up! He was drool worthy anyway! God did you see his ass? It was so plump and..."

"Please! Spare me the details" I cried covering my ears.

"Oh Lena your such a virgin" she murmured, shaking her head. I looked up at her and smirked.

"That's why you love me" I replied and we both walked out the school doors into the cold air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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