Chapter 1- The Unexpected Kiss

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Chapter 1

The Unexpected Kiss

"Cut, Cut. That's it for today ladies and gentlemen, well done to all of you. Now go home chop chop. Class is dismissed." Mr Langueas said from the bottom of the stage. "Hey! Lena come on we're going to get late!! Hurry up!!!" shouted Sarah from the back of the stage. Sarah Jones is five foot four with golden brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and has been my best friend since kindergarten. She was waving her hands in the air, trying to get my attention when I realized that Rob, my partner in the play, was still on top of me.

"Um Rob? Can you..... Um......please........can you get off of me?" I stammered.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise." he smirked. As he got up he said "Lena, are you going to come tomorrow and practise coz you haven't been cumin' and I was just wonderin'...."

"Yeah sure I'll be there don't worry, um...... see you tomorrow then. Bye." I cut him off and rushed off towards Sarah as I could feel my face burn bright red.

"What was that about?" Sarah said as I reached her.

"What was what about?" was all I could say because I knew where the conversation was heading.

"That, what just happen?" she pushed on.

"Nothing." I whispered.

"That sure didn't look like anything, what it looked like was that you two had a thing back there." She whispered as we walked past Rob. I stopped halfway through the door and whispered back ferociously.

"Can you stop trying to hook me up with every guy you see me talking to?"

"God Lena, I was only helping, you don't have to snap at me, plus we all know how you lack in the boys department." And walked off ahead of me. I stood there for a moment, trying to get my head around what she just said.

"Hey! Sarah! Wait! What do you mean 'I lack in the boys department?'" I screamed from the top of my voice as I catched up to my best friend.

"Exactly what I said." Was all she said and got in the driver's side of her new black shiny Honda. "Are you going to come or just stand there and look at my face?" she said and shut the car door. I sighed and walked to the passenger side of the car and climbed in.

"I'm sorry Sarah. It's just, you know, the whole thing with Jason and Tina......." I trailed off.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. He was a pig headed bastard anyway now he just proven the point." She said and we both laughed at that. "As for Tina...... well she didn't deserve our friendship." I looked at her and gave a small smile.

"Come on let's go library and finish that English assignment before it closes." I said, trying to change the subject, and she drove off.

As soon as I stepped in my house I knew something was wrong. It was too quite, considering how big my mother's family is when they're around, "Hello! Anyone home!?" I shouted as I walked into the living room to find it absolutely empty. "Where is everyone?"I asked myself as I walked towards the staircase.

"Mom!? Dad?" I yelled, raising my head aloft so my voice could be heard more clearly, but there was no answer. "Guess no one's home."I whispered to myself and walked off towards the kitchen. And that's where I saw her, my mother, sprawled on the kitchen floor next to the cooker with a pool of blood oozing from her head. "Mom!!" I exclaimed and ran to kneel next to her. "Oh God!! Mom! Are you ok? Wake up! Mom what happen?" I cried not realizing that her blood was soaking through my clothes. "Mom please open your eyes" I whispered and grabbed the phone off the counter and dialled 911.

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