Chapter 4: Elk City Market

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It was a week before they left for the first leg of the tour and Josh had just flown in from L.A. And needless to say, Tyler had missed him like mad over the last few months. It took everything he had not to drive to the airport and meet him, but he knew with reasonable certainty, that after not seeing him in so long, it would be all over the net if he were to inevitably pull him into a kiss in the middle of the crowded airport. So, he waited a torturous three days while Josh reunited with his family. As was the norm for the past few months, they exchanged text messages and whispered phone calls, with Tyler looking over his shoulder guiltily. Finally, when it seemed normal to do so, Tyler told Jenna that he was meeting Josh for lunch and a movie.

What he didn't explain was that he had picked Josh up from his parent's and they'd taken a two-hour car ride to Pickerington Ponds Metro Park. Tyler found himself feverish at the sensation of Josh's palm resting on his thigh throughout the long ride. They didn't speak as they drove. They had too much to say. Instead, they listened, quietly, to the radio, Tyler smiling softly to himself as Josh's fingers drummed at his pants leg.

When they finally arrived, Tyler found himself full of nervous energy and he couldn't believe he'd contained it so far. The skies were bright and clear as they exited the vehicle. Josh stretched, revealing a bit of his hips and stomach and already Tyler was blushing. They made their way towards the hiking trail, the sun shining down, warming them and loosening their limbs after the long, air-conditioned car ride.

As they passed into the tree line, he took Josh's calloused hand in his and sighed deeply in relief. Josh's brown eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled affectionately at him. The occasional passerby looked strangely at them and it made Tyler a little nervous but still, he couldn't bring himself to loosen his fingers from Josh's. Tyler just smiled at the hikers and prayed none of the people recognized them.

When at last they arrived at the largest pond, Tyler was absolutely aching to kiss Josh. The surrounding area was blissfully unoccupied other than a woman and her dog, far on the other side of the pond, so small in the distance they could have been insects. Josh looked around and plopped down on the grass. Tyler made to join him but before he could, Josh had, to his embarrassment, pulled him into his lap.

"Josh, what- " Tyler began before Josh delicately pressed his lips to Tyler's. Tyler wrapped his arms around the blue haired man and held him as desperately as he felt. Josh cradled his jaw in his hands as he kissed him breathlessly. When, finally, he pulled away, he simply held Tyler against him, his stubbled cheek against Tyler's neck. His hot breath sent shivers down Tyler's back and he was a little embarrassed at the heat that rose in his stomach.

"I've wanted to do that for hours," Josh confessed with a chuckle, "aw, who am I kidding? I've wanted to do it for weeks. Months, even."

Tyler pulled back to look into his brown eyes, the sun revealing minute specks of green in his irises, "I've missed you. Like, so much."

Josh laughed a little, "I know. You've only told me every single day since I left. I've missed you, too."

Tyler took this opportunity to kiss his smiling mouth before frowning and telling him, "I still don't understand."

"Understand what?" Josh inquired reaching up to stroke the prickles of Tyler's closely shaved head.

"Why?" Tyler started, slipping slowly from Josh's lap to sit across from him, "Why did you have to go?"

A look of melancholy overtook the blue-haired man's face, "It was easier in some ways..."

"It was easier to be away from me?" Tyler asked, annoyed with the whining tone in his own voice.

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