Chapter 8

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They all went once and now it was Alvin's turn. He gets up from the chair and grabs Brittany's ball and rolls it down the lane and gets a strike. He turns around and sees everyone's excited faces. Alvin looks at them "What?" Eleanor giggles "You got a strike on your first try when we can clearly see you in critical pain" Theodore smiles "Yeah! Alvin that's amazing! I don't think any of us could do that" Brittany rolls her eyes "I think we could if we tried" Theodore blushes "Okay... maybe I was being too dramatic" Simon laughs. Alvin smiles and walks over to them and sits down. Jeanette goes up and pick up her ball and rolls it and hits 7 pins then gets a spare. Brittany smiles "Nice spare Jean!" She smiles "Thanks Britt" Kevin and Cheesy looked at her in confusion making Alvin laugh getting Brittany's attention "Al? What's so funny?" Then she sees them and laughs and sly smiles along with Alvin. Simon and Jeanette sly smile as well making Kevin and Cheesy even more confused with a little bit of suspicion. "Yay!" "Nice Strike Theo!" They turn around seeing Theodore cheering and Eleanor clapping happily. Alvin smiles holding his stomaching pain "Nice job Theo!" He looks at him and smiles "Thanks Alvin" luckily Kevin and Cheesy walked away before Theodore said his name, that would've been hard to explain. Alvin glares at the floor "God! When will this pain stop!" Brittany sighs "To be honest Al... It should've stopped by now..." Jeanette and Eleanor agree. Then Jeanette spoke "But... I heard that sometimes it could last longer if you don't drink enough water" Eleanor smiles "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" Brittany laughs "Me too" Simon and Theodore look over to them still oblivious "Seriously! What are you guys talking about?" Alvin rolls his eyes at them "Man you guys are so clueless..." then he drinks his water hoping to make the pain lessen a bit. The Chipettes laugh.

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