Chapter 7

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Once they got there they got their bowling shoes and bowling balls, they started to set up the order of who goes first. Alvin sat down and watched them pick the order. It goes Simon, Eleanor, Jeanette, Brittany, then Theodore. Brittany smiles and walks over to Alvin and sits down next to him. "Hey, hows it going? Do you feel any pain yet?" Alvin groans "Yes.... and I'm not happy about it" Brittany gives him a small smile "Don't worry Al everything will be just fine" Alvin snorts "Easy for you to say Britt your used to this..." Simon calls over to Brittany "Britt it's your turn" Brittany turns towards them "Coming" Then she turns her head back to Alvin and pecks his lips then started to move to bowl when Alvin pulls her back into a passionate kiss. Their siblings look over and sees them kissing and shakes their heads. Eleanor teases "Come on lovebirds break it before I bowl for Brittany" Alvin breaks the kiss and blushes while Brittany rolls her eyes at Eleanor "Funny Ellie" She picks up her ball and throws it down the lane and gets a strike for her first try. Everyone claps. "Nice one Britt!" "Wow!" "Nice shot!" "Nice!" Brittany smiles and walks back to Alvin. He smiles "Amazing shot Britt" She smiles and hugs him and looks into his erm her eyes "Thanks" Alvin smiles and chuckles "This is so weird..." Brittany giggles "I know! It is weird looking at ourselves" Alvin laughs now "Hearing myself giggles is hilarious!" Brittany now laughs as well making their siblings look at them confused. Alvin cringes still laughing "Ack! Laughing makes the pain even worse!" Everyone bursts out laughing now from Alvin's misfortune once again.

2 hours later

Everyone is eating pizza after 4 games and is still going at it. Simon smiles "Today is going great! I'm glad Theo thought of this" Eleanor agrees "Yeah! A amazing idea it was!" Theodore blushes "Aww it was nothing" Alvin blinks "What? Theo, even though I didn't want to come I still had a amazing time! Watching you guys fail or have amazing shots made me have a good laugh.... even though most of the time it killed, but still" Brittany smiles "Yeah! This was so much fun!" Jeanette nods "I agree!" Theodore smiles brightly "Wow! Thanks guys! I'm glad everyone is having a great time" Simon throws away his plate "Well I'm stuffed. Is anyone ready to play another round?" Eleanor stands up "Oh yeah! I'm totally ready to kick all of your butts" Jeanette laughs "Sure!" Theodore smiles "You betcha!" Brittany smiles and looks at Alvin "Hey Al, you want to play now?" Alvin smiles "Sure but I'll just share with you then... since I'm still in pain...." Simon raises an eyebrow "Your still in pain?" Alvin nods "Y-yeah it's pretty bad...." Brittany nods "Sure Alvin we can share" Alvin smiles "Great!"

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