Chapter 3

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"Kol, I bet you can't catch me" I yelled, climbing the tree, that grew in front of our house.
"You better run" he called back from the bottom of the tree.
I wait until he is high of the ground and when he got close, I let go and I swiftly fell down. Before I hit the ground I was already running.
I could hear Kol yelling from behind me, but I was too far to hear what he was saying, I turned to see where he was. But instead I ran into a strong body.
"Pay attention little girl" my father said, slapping me across the face.
"I'm sorry Father, please forgive me" I begged.
But his hand came back up and then across my face, hard enough for me to fall back, he was about to kick me when Kol got in his way.
And then it repeated, I was running away from Kol and then I ran into Father. It happened again and again, until I sat up gasping.
I looked around me, not sure of my surroundings.
"About time you have awoken, a woman said from beside me. I looked at her, but my vision is blurry.
"Where am I" I asked staring around me.
"Your in an asylum, the same one that you and Rebekah use to work at" the woman said, I recognise her close but I don't know her face.
"I need to find my family" I say standing up.
"Drink my blood and then you will find who you are looking for" I smell the blood, it was witch blood, I sank my teeth into her wrist and drank.
When my vision came back, the woman was gone.
I stood up and sniffed the air, a familiar smell. I followed the smell, it led me to Niklaus.
"Brother" I cry running to him.
I pull the cuffs off of him and pulled him towards me.
He looked up.
"I'm going to kill her" he said and ran away from me.
What just happened, I don't think he knew who I was.
I ran after him, he was attacking Rebekah, I grabbed him and pulled him back. I hid before anyone could see me. Before allays could attack again, Elijah and Marcel stopped him.
My siblings doing what they did best.
I stood out of the shadows.
"Marcel take Rebekah and leave, do not turn back" I command.
"Ingrid" he said, staring at me.
"I said go" I yell.
Marcel picks Rebekah up and they leave.
"It's good to see you brothers" I say to the both of them., smiling a wicked grin.
"Genevieve get out of my head" Nik yelled into the air.
I rushed to him and pushed him against the wall by his throat.
" I assure you brother I am not a figment if your imagination, now tell me, what year is it" I ask.

"The year is 2015, sister" Elijah said from behind me.

I turned towards him, while my hand was still pushing on Nik's throat. I look at what he was wearing and he looked. He was always the handsome one, just as Rebekah was the beautiful one.

"I missed you brother" i smile, I then turn back towards Nik.

"What of me sister" he asked, irritation growing on his face.

I put me free hand up to his face.

"I did miss you at the start, when I thought that you would save me, but instead you just stood there and watch the bloody witch attack me, she tortured me Nik, she did all that and you did nothing, you just watched, was it because a dagger wouldn't work on me, or was it because I prefer Kol over you" I yell in his face. "I had to relive Father attacking me again and again, but for Elijah I'm going to let you go and you will tell me everything" I remove my hand from his throat and he did exactly what I wanted him to, he snapped my neck.

"Ingrid, you have done right"  my mother said coming up to me.

"I do not have long, the rift should be open, find the harvest girls body and I will be by your side no matter what, it was Nik's fault all this happened and now we are going to make him pay for what he did" I laughed.

I sat up gasping, Elijah and Nik were gone.

I walked out of the asylum and stretched in the sunlight. It had been quiet a while since I saw the sun. I lot has changed since the witch had put me in that curse. everything came rushing to me, I didn't mean to say all of that to Nik, why did I, and then I remembered talking to Mother after Nik snapped my neck, that wasn't meant to happen.

I ran to I knew where he would be staying and my skin started to burn, but I ignored all of the pain, I needed to tell Nik about what was happening, I got to the Mikaelson compound.

"Nik" I yelled.

He came running out, he saw my skin burning, he was by my side, I felt a pain in my stomach.

"I'm sorry I say to him as I fall into his arms.

I was different this time I blacked out, it was all just darkness, no matter how far I ran I couldn't find light, until I heard a baby behind me, I turned around, I could not believe my eyes. Rowan was standing in front of me with the baby that never met the light of day.

"It's not possible" I say.

"Come and meet your daughter, Ingrid" he smiles at me, it was the same smile that I had fallen in love with all of those years ago.

I walk to him, I reach my hand out, expecting it to go right through his chest but instead it rested there. I look down at the baby, she was beautiful, I look up at Rowan, I put my hand to his face, why had he tried to kill me.

"I love you Rowan"I say hugging both him and my child.

"I will always be with you" he replied as he started to vanish.

"Rowan please stay don't go,please come back" I yelled, I couldn't see him anymore.

"Rowan, come back" was what I yelled as I sat up.

Nik was sitting on one side and Elijah was on the other, how long had I been out.

"Where's Marcellus" I asked, standing up.

Nik and Elijah gave each other a look.

"What is it brothers" I asked smiling at them.

"What year do you think it is sister" Elijah asked.

"It is 1819" I replied rolling my eyes.

"No Ingrid it is 2015" Nik said staring at me.

"What are you talking about Nik, I know that's not possible, you can't dagger me, so how would I of missed over a hundred years" I ask.

"I don't know how but the witch who tortured you, wiped your memory" Elijah said not moving from where he sat.

I felt a pain in my head, and I saw a memory, a memory of my Mother standing in front of my.

"It was just a witch Elijah, it was our Mother"I snarled as a pain went through my body.

Both Nik and Elijah was staring at my stomach, I looked down, only to find that it had grown, when I saw Rowan disappear, it was only him that had left, he wasn't carrying our daughter.

"Whats happening" Elijah asked, finally standing, I didn't need to answer.

"It appears that from the grave Mother has brought back the baby that Rowan had killed" Klaus answered for me.

"What baby" Elijah replied.

"Do you remember the day that you found me after Rowan had tried to kill me" I asked Elijah.

"Of course, it was one of the worse days of my life, henric was killed, you were nearly killed and we were turned into vampires, what does that have to do with a baby"

"Elijah, I was with child, and now you are about to meet this child, get me a witch, its coming now" I yell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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