Chapter 2 New Orleans 1819

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We were attending the funeral of the governors son, after Nik had killed him, for the only crime of loving his sister. He had changed after the night we killed our mother, the night that we had promised each other always and forever, until he started to dagger them.

I was holding Bekkah's arm as she cried for the man that she loved.

I could hear a boy getting beaten and so could Nik, we both stopped.

We saw a boy getting whipped, the boy picked up and apple and threw it at the man who was whipping him.

I looked at Nik and we were both smiling, before the man could use the whip again, Nik threw a coin straight through the mans forehand.

I was in front of the boy in no time, along with Nik.

"What is your name" I ask grabbing the boys face.

"I don't have a name, Mam, my mother didn't want to name me until I was older incase the fever took me, but then the fever took her" he said not looking away from me.

I looked up at Nik.

"I think I shall name you Marcellus, meaning little warrior" Nik said, pleased with himself.

I grabbed the boys hand and led him to the funeral.

He never left my side.

Nik and I later found out that Marcellus was the son of the governor.

Nik forced the Governor to allow us to keep him and with us he will stay.

9 years later

Nik and I raised this boy like his was own child.

I knew that Rebbekah had started to fall in love with him and he felt the same way, I gave them my full permission, but Nik felt completely different, he hated the idea, he hated it that much that he daggered Rebbekah and he gave Marcellus the option to either undagger her or let Nik turn him into the same monster that we are, Marcellus chose the wrong option.

I was under strict orders not to undagger Rebekkah and it killed me to see her the way that she was, my only sister, laying for however long Klaus wanted and then my other siblings, all having their own coffin all except fro Klaus and I, as the daggers don't work on us.

"It was her own undoing" Klaus said smiling down at me.

"It was not, you did this to her and now you have ruined Marcels life, just as Mother ruined ours, you are no better then her or Father" I said through gritted teeth.

"You take that back" he yelled, pulling out a dagger.

"Nik, you know that doesn't work on me" I laughed.

"Oh I know dear sister, but it does work on our brother" after he said it, he was gone only to come back with Elijah in his arms.
"Fine Nik, I'm sorry, now let Elijah go" I said looking straight at Elijah.
Later that day, Elijah joined me in my room.
"Ingrid you should not have apologised, you were correct in what you said, he has become what he promised he would never be" Elijah said, sitting beside me on my bed.
"I did need to apologise Elijah, he has taken away every one of my siblings except you and now I can't even look Marcel in the eyes, because it is my fault Nicklaus turned him into what he is, I'm the one that gave them permission"I replied, leaning against his shoulder.
"I know sister, it will change soon"
"Elijah, how can it change, last time Kok was awake, you helped Nik dagger him and if your helping him dagger our family then how is it all going to change, I can't do it, I can't do always and forever anymore, I love you Elijah, but I have to go" that was the last thing I said to him before I left, I didn't turn back, not even when I got a sharp pain in my head.

Ingrid Mikaelson (Hybrid)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz