A Night To Remember, Part 2

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Most of the class, surprisingly, made it through the horde of students, walking over to the fireworks show. It was only a couple of blocks away, so surely walking there wouldn't be a problem. Bakugo unconsciously held onto Momo's hand, walking alongside her until she started to speak. "Um, B-Bakugo.", she called out to him softly.

He turned to the raven-haired girl, eyes calm as he glanced at her. "Yeah?", he asked, his voice soothing and soft.

'That's a rarity', she thought to herself, 'but not one I wouldn't mind.' Momo got lost in her thoughts before finally asking what's been racking her mind. "W-We haven't stopped holding hands since we rushed through that crowd.", she managed to stutter out.

The blonde was heavily confused, giving her a strange look. He looked down to find that she was right, a rare blush forming on his cheeks. Katsuki, almost in a panic, tried to instantly let go but got pulled back instantly. "What the hell?", he mumbled turning back to Momo, who was adorning a blush herself.

"I never said I-I didn't l-like it, though.", Momo blushes as she squeezes his hand tightly.

"Yo, Bakugo!", Kirishima called out to his friend, running over to Katsuki only to see what was going on. He smirked as he turned back, deciding to let the duo have their fun. "I guess some things do c—" Before he could even finish his sentence he heard a loud explosion. The redhead turned his body to reveal Katsuki yelling at a student for getting in his date's way. "Some things never change.", he softly muttered to himself. Soon, he found himself intertwined with Mina's right arm.

"What took you so long, Kiri?", the pink girl asked with a small smile.

"A-Ashido!? When'd you get here so quickly?", Eijiro stuttered out his question.

Mina quirked her right eyebrow glancing at him. "I walked behind you?", she sarcastically replied. "You feeling ok? You've been acting strange lately."

Eijiro wiped away nervous sweat from his forehead, stuck between lying or being truthful. 'I don't know what to say.', he told himself in his head. 'I know Ashido isn't non-fashionable by any means, but holy shit! Wasn't expecting her to look so hot either...no, I can't feel this way!'

As he fought with his inner turmoil, Ashido looked at her friend with a quizzical expression. 'This is weird.', she thought to herself, 'I wonder what he's thinking about.' Given no extra thought about it, she flat out asked the redhead what was on his mind. "Kirishima, whatcha thinkin'?", the curly-haired teen genuinely questioned with intrigue as they inched ever closer to a nearby cafe.

Kirishima turned to her, sweating profusely more than Bakugo at this point. 'What do I tell her, someone closer than Bakugo?', he panicked in his head. He tried to think up a lie of why he was acting so strange. Probably because of it just being 'too hot' for him, but how if he has shorts and a cutoff hoodie? Or he could say he gets nervous around a lot of people; seems plausible. But if that were the case how would he be able to be 'manly' all the time? 'That's it!' Kirishima exclaimed in his mind, "This isn't manly at all, lying to a friend. Especially someone as close as Ashido." Despite his own mixed feelings, he went with his gut. "Ashido", he started to say, "the reason I've been acting so unmanly is...is because I'm nervous!"

Mina avoided hitting the curb they were walking over, confused at his sentence. "Kirishima, what are you nervous for? You're, like, the coolest person I know."

Kirishima gulped at the question, "Ya see, there's this girl, and I don't know if she likes me or not. Even if she did, I wouldn't know the first thing to do for a date or something."

Ashido's eyes lit up with twinkling stars inside of them, cupping her cheeks doing so. "Ohmygodthatssocute!" she happily screamed as the group moved further along. "Don't worry, Kiri! I'll help you out big time!" The pink girl then winked at the redhead, before turning around to find everyone had stopped moving. "Hey, what's the hold up you guys!?", Mina asked, pouting when she spoke.

Katsuki then turned to the pink girl, scarlet orbs set on her golden ones. "Fuckin' Grey Eyes has to take a piss.", the blonde growled lowly to her.

"B-Bakugo!" a flustered Momo exclaimed, blushing at the accuracy in his words.

"So we're stopping. Don't ask dumbass questions." He opened the cafe's doors, holding it for Yaoyorozu as she rushed inside, shutting it behind him when Izuku tried to hold it open.

"Really Kacchan?", the green haired boy sighed, opening the glass door once again for Ochako, then inviting most of Class A inside as well.

"Thanks, Deku.", the brunette thanked her boyfriend, seating herself in a metal chair, shivering at how icy it felt.

Izuku smiled as he pulls a chair out, sliding it over to Ochako's table. "No problem.", he replied back softly. "Are you ok—Wow, this is cold!" Izuku slightly jumped from the sensation of cold metal touching his skin, gaining a giggle from his girlfriend. "H-Heh heh, sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, silly. It's not like you did something crazy."

As if it were a warning, Denki and Kyoka were the last to walk into the building. The yellow-haired boy was displaying his usual jokes to the Earphone Jack user, unaware of the water spill in front of him. Midoriya immediately noticed this and freaked out seeing a new horror. Kaminari was using his Quirk right at that moment, showing off maybe. As his foot raised above the puddle, Izuku rushes in a flash to warn the boy before slipping himself. Unfortunately, both of their Quirks were active, including Izuku's Full Cowl...which included green electricity. Both boys screamed in pain as they unintentionally shocked each other, Jiro and everyone else, aside from a semi-concerned Bakugo, watching in horror as she backed away quickly. Denki fell over Izuku's back, both boys knocked out for the time being.

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