7: Sister Mary Jokes About Cock

Start from the beginning

Pearl for some reason sparked memories of my spiteful youth. A time I wish I could go back to and apologize for all the pranks I pulled on my sisters. Oh how time can be cruel.

I caught myself standing there in the hall staring at Pearl's door. A wave of tiredness drifted over me and wandering over to the chair by the window I soon fell fast asleep.

I was awoken suddenly by a large hand shaking my shoulder.

"Sister Mary," whispered the gentle sound of Michael's voice. "Sister Mary, wake up. It's time for dinner."

"What! Who!" I bolted to my feet alarmed and ready to fight. Michael backed off.

"Whoa watch it there," he chuckled. "No need to swing that umbrella at me."

"How long was I asleep?"

"An hour or so," said Michael.

I rubbed my eyes and looked outside. It was pitch black except for the twinkling of a few stars and the silver moon. A car was arriving down the driveway. It's headlights flashing on the gravel.

"Looks like Uncle Giles and cousin Susan are here just in time."

Michael hastefully descended the stairs. Still groggy from the nap I carefully climbed down. By the time I reached the bottom stair, I could see a multitude of people. Many I had met earlier. I passed by the dining room. Janet was putting last minute touches on the dining table. Each napkin was beautifully folded and large bouquets of flowers burst from each corner of the room. An elaborate silver lazy susan sat as the table's centerpiece. It's trays empty waiting for food. Janet had certainly outdone herself.

Down the hall I saw Baines all dressed in his finest suit unlocking the door with Michael and Gloria nearby. Pearl leaned against a door frame next to a thin young man with a beard, whom I could only assume was the other brother and snake whisperer, Brandon. Mrs. Stanton stood by barking orders at her children, none of whom seemed to be paying much attention. Another woman was there. One I had no idea whom she may be. She was dressed in a simple white miniskirt with a flower patterned top. Amidst all Mrs. Stanton's furious yelling, Baines managed to unlock the door and a large man and a young woman stepped inside.

"Uncle Giles!" declared Mrs. Stanton opening her arms wide. "And young Susan. Nice to see you could make it."

"We almost didn't. That unruly car of mine almost had us stranded on the roads." The burly Uncle Giles lit up with joy. "Brandon, my boy! Come give your uncle a hug"

"Hello, Uncle Giles," said the thin bearded young man hesitant to embrace. "Glad you made it."

"Hey, Brandon," said Susan giving him a big hug. "I've missed you."

"Same here."

Susan and Giles then greeted everyone else. It looked like a happy family reunion. Then it was my turn.

"Uncle Giles, Susan, Brandon, Pearl, Ms. Annette," said Michael, "this is Sister Mary. She is staying with us tonight. She got left behind by her group this morning on their way to New Orleans." I curtsied. Uncle Giles walked up to me and took my hand to my lips. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Sister."

"Oh my," I said almost melting to my feet. His mustache brushed across the back of my hand. It took all the will in heaven from me to flip it around and caress his scruffy upper lip. "The pleasure is all mine," I said with a cliché giggle.

"Ew," said Pearl walking passed us to the dining room. "She is a nun, Uncle Giles."

He laughed and gave me a little wink.

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