Chapter 1

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"Rowan, wait up"I yelled to my mate.

He turned back and laughed.

"Keep up youngling" he called back, I saw someone behind him, but before I could warn him, he ran right into my father.

"What do you think you are doing with my daughter" Mikael spat.

"I'm sorry sir" Rowan replied.

Mikael raised his hand, I ran in front of Rowan.

"Please father" I pleaded.

But Ii was to late, his hand came down and hit me across the face. I fell down from the force of the hit.

"How dare you interfere" he said through gritted teeth, before he kicked me across the abdomen.

Rowan was about to attack,, but I yelled at him not to.

Mikael gave him an evil grin, "Go on boy and see what happens" He laughed.

"Run" I screamed, he did as I told him to reluctantly.

Father picked me up by the scruff of my neck and dragged me home.

He threw me onto the ground in front of my Mother.

"What have you done" She yelled grabbing a hold of me, rocking me back and forth.

"That is none of your concern, but if you even if of healing her, I will drive a sword right through her puny heart" he didn't give my Mother a chance to reply, before leaving.

"I'm so sorry" was all she said.

Somehow, my Mother carried me into the room that I share with my sister.

I laid there until Rebekkah joined me.

Ingrid, you should of joined us today, it was so much fun" Bekkah laughed.

"Bekkah, I need your help" I sobbed.

"Ingrid, what happened" she asked, finally seeing my face.

"I got in Mikaels way, I need to find rowan, I need to know that he is ok" I plead.

She put a hand up to face.

"Do what you need to" she gave me a sad smile.

"Thank you sister"

I took the cloak that she offered and I left the house. I ran, I ignored the pain in my ribs and I just kept running, until I saw him, my handsome Rowan. I lift my hood from my face, we stared into each others eyes. Thats when I ran to him.

I kissed him and held onto him.

"I thought he was going to kill you" I say into his chest.

"So did I"

We spent the night together, embraced in each other.

"I turn 17 in two months, when that day comes, we will leave together and never look back" I say my hand resting on his chest.

"I will never your side"

I kissed him before I had to leave.

When I returned home, Rebekkah grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards the forrest.

"Come on Ingrid, our brothers are fighting again" she smiled.

I let her pull me along.

We sat on a log watching Niklaus and Elijah fighting each other with their swords.

"Thank you for last night" I say to Bekkah, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Anything for my favourite sister"

Mikael attacked Niklaus and myself again when I tried to defend him that day.

It was three weeks before I was allowed to leave without a chaperone.

I followed my siblings towards a cave, where we wrote our names, so the people in thousands of years will remember who we are, there will be stories about our lives.

"Niklaus, may I speak with you" I asked.

"Of course"

We stayed behind as our siblings left.

"Nik, I'm scared" I confessed.

"What is it my dear sister" he asked, putting his hand up to my face.

"Nik, I'm with child"

he didn't move his hand, he just stood there staring at me.

"Nik, please, I need your help, I need to leave and find Rowan" I plead.

"Why me Ingrid"

"Because no matter what our Father thinks, I see the warrior in you"

He agreed to help me and I left to find the one that I love.

When I finally find him it was night fall.

"Rowan, I've got news, I'm with your child, I smile, but he doesn't wear the same expression.

"I'm sorry, but it's either your life or mine" I feel the pain, I look down , the dagger stuck in my stomach. 

"Nik, Elijah, I found her" I heard Kol's voice, panic was evident on rowans face, yet he didn't even try to ran away.

I stayed conscious long enough to see Nik hold Rowan and Elijah slit his throat with the dagger that was hidden in his tunic. Kol bent down and picked me up, I used the last bit of strength to reach up and touch Kol's face.

"I love you brother" and then it all went dark.

I came in and out of consciousness, until we got home.

Father mad Kol sit me in one of the chairs around the table.

My vision was blurry as I watched Nik sit beside me and hold the wound.

MIkael shoved something vile down my throat and Mother said some words, I thought it was a spell to heal me and my baby, that was until Mikael started to kill his own children, then he was behind Nik and I.

"I'm going to enjoy killing the two of you" he laughed.

"Please Father" I pushed out, the pain in my stomach growing, I could feel the blood spreading.

"Don't give him the pleasure" Nik said, grabbing a hold of my hand.

Mikael slit Niks throat and then my own.

The next few weeks my siblings and I gained a hunger for one thing, the one thing that we couldn't get enough of, until when day Nik and I decided to go against our parents orders and go out hunting.

It was not hard finding our victims, we could smell them and hear them dancing.

We rushed to their sides and dug our fangs into their necks until there was no heartbeat, we killed their companions and that's when we felt immense pain, it was as if every single bone in our body was breaking all at once. Our Father and Elijah found us, Father stared at us with disgust in his eyes.

"Father what is happening" I yelled through the pain.

He didn't answer us, he just tied us up like we were nothing but vermen.

Mikael left us, but Elijah stared in disbelief.

"We are not his children are we" Nik asked Elijah.

"No I don't think you are" Elijah replied, not looking back as he also left.

A scream had left my lips as more bones broke, Nik tried his hardest to reach for me, but he to started to scream.

"We will get our revenge" Nik said between each scream.

After that night Nik and I had found that Mother had been sleeping with the Alpha of the werewolf pack near our house, Mikael had already killed him before they could meet who their true father was, that was when they decided that they will leave and never look back.

As our other siblings left, Nik and I went to our Mother.

"You turned us into monsters, and now you will pay" I yelled.

The was sorrow in her eyes as Nik held her back and I ripped her head off.

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