The Boy Next Door - New Employee

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**Extra Chapter Just For You Guys!**

**Quick Note** for the parts, I'm not putting which chapter number it is. I'm putting the title of the chapter, like the last one was called "Fears" not "Chapter 2" Anyways, enjoy! <3

Chapter Three: New Employee

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned and smacked my alarm clock. I swear I set it to radio, not the loud beeping noise.

The alarm shut off.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled across my room. I grabbed my dresser to steady myself, but instead I pulled open a drawer and slipped on to the floor.

"I hate Mondays," I grumbled. I stood up and whacked my head on the drawer. I yelped in pain. I grabbed the back of my head with my left hand and pushed down hard to stop the pain.

With my other hand, I pushed the drawer back in. I rubbed my head. It really hurt. After about ten minutes of just standing there with my hand cupped to the back of my head, the pain wasn't going away.

I wondered into the bathroom to see if they had Advil or painkiller. I pulled open the mirror cupboard and rummaged through its contents. I found toothbrushes, toothpaste, a few spare elastics and - yes! Advil.

I popped open the bottle and put two pills in my mouth. I turned the tap on and stuck my mouth underneath the tap and caught a mouthful of water. I swallowed, the pills scratching my throat.

I gagged at the feeling. I covered my mouth with my hand, but nothing came up. I wasn't used to taking pills.

I walked back into my room and sat down on my bed. Hope laid beside it, still sleeping.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I stood up again and went downstairs.

Hope woke up at the sound of my feet walking. She yawned and stretched and trotted after me.

No one was in the kitchen. I assumed they were still asleep. They didn't have Dad make them get a summer job.

I opened the cupboard. I scanned through the food to see what they had to eat. I settled for some Cornflakes.

I grabbed a bowl and some milk and drenched them. They turned soggy the moment the milk made contact.

I sat down and began to eat. It tasted disgusting, but I didn't care.

After a few spoonfuls, I walked to the backdoor and looked out the window. It was grey and gloomy out. But it was only six forty-five in the morning, so what would I have to blame?

I unlocked the backdoor and stepped outside.

It was cool but not freezing. I inhaled the air. It made me feel so much more relaxed.

Hope scooted through my legs.

"Hope!" I hissed. "Come back here now!"

She didn't listen. I ran after her.

"Hope!" I called softly.

She happily trotted around the yard. Thank goodness the gate was closed.

I chased her around for a while before she tired out. She sat down on the grass, panting.

I scooped her up and put her back in the house. I closed the door before she could escape again.

I jogged down to the beach to see if I could catch the sunrise. I made it just in time.

There was a pink glow on the horizon.

I kicked my flip flops off again and trotted to the sand line. The water was clear and calm. It didn't roll up the beach like it did before. There were some algae and rocks and shells scattered along the shoreline.

The Boy Next Door - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now