Emilio then dashed out of he arena leaving Ryder and I standing there. We look around and everyone is still trying to run out.

"Ivan look!" Ryder turned me around and pointed in a direction.

I look over and see a man in all black casually looking around. I couldn't see his face since he was too far away. He sees us and immediately starts running.

"Let's go! Don't let him out of your sight!" I yelled.

Ryder and I started running. We made sure to keep and eye on him while running so we wouldn't loose him.

"Outback!" I yelled.

We full on sprinted and rushed out the back doors. We saw the man look back at us and leaving on his motorcycle.

We lost him

"SH*T!" I yelled.

"Red Dash." Ryder said more to himself.

"What?" I looked over at him

"Red Dash." he said louder.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I looked at him confused

"That's what his licenses plate said and look." he begins to walk over and picks up a white folded up paper.

"As he was riding away he dropped this." He says showing me the paper.

"Well open it and let's see what it says." I told him

"No we can't. Not here at least. Anyone could be watching and I don't want to risk anything." Ryder tells me.

"Fine. We will open it when we get to the gang house. Emilio doesn't find out." I demanded

"Agreed." Ryder said

We headed back into the arena and it was practically empty by now. Everyone had fled leaving everything behind. We walk into the ring and look at the spot where Lexi was hit at.

"What are you two doing here!" We hear a voice yell causing us to jump.

We turn around to a voice and we are met with Kyle, Emilio's "manager".

"Oh hey Kyle." I greet him.

"Hello Ivan, Ryder." He nods towards us.

Kyle wasn't really Emilio's manager. He was only there to make the fight happen since Emilio couldn't. Emilio didn't want to meet other people's manager when setting up a fight or meeting them in person so he hired someone to do it for him.

I mean it makes sense because you are technically suppose to have a manager when you fight.

"What are you boys still doing here you should be home right now." he gives us a stern look.

"We needed to grab some stuff before we left." Ryder says.

He looked at us skeptically but didn't push any further.

"Well you boys should get home." he tells us.

"Alright Kyle." I day

We started walking towards Kyle to get to the door. Quickly Kyle grabs my arm and pulls me. He bring his face towards my ear and begins to whisper me something.

"Everything happens for a reason." he told me.

He let go of me and smirked. I kept a straight face trying not to show any expression. I walked away thinking.

What did he mean by that. That doesn't even make any sense to me at all.

I walked to the car and sat down in the passengers seat. Ryder looked at me confusingly.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked

"Bro I think we got more on our hands then we needed to." I tell him.

"Well sh*t" he said under his breath.

"Well lets just go home. Tell Emilio we are bringing Chick-fil-a home so he doesn't think that we were doing something else when we should've been at the gang house." Ryder tells me.

I nodded and texted Emilio.

Flashback over

And that's how we ended back at the gang house in the office ready to open this note. Ryder started to unfold the note fully. It was a big piece of paper.

Once it was opened I completely froze and I think Ryder did the same. I could not believe what I was seeing.

"Holy sh*t" Ryder and I say at the same time and look at each other.

The paper had a picture on it. It was three people in front of a Christmas tree. There was a man, a women, and a child. The child's face was scribbled out in red while the man and women's faces were fine.

I didn't recognize them at all. I looked at the bottom of the page and there was words written in red.

Everything happens for a reason

"Oh my god." I whispered. "That's what Kyle said to me as we were heading out of the arena." I said out loud.

"Why would Kyle tell you that?" Ryder questioned

"I have no idea." I stared at the paper.

Ryder turn the paper over and there are more words on the back. Well more like an address.

248 Moore Ave
Tomorrow at 12am
Don't be late

"He meant to drop this. He knew we were going to follow him." Ryder says in shock.

"This doesn't make any sense." I say grabbing he paper and turning it back over to the picture.

"Who are these people?" I looked up at Ryder.

"I don't know but I think we're about to find out tomorrow." He looks up at me.

"We can't let anyone know at all." I tell him.

"I know. We have to hide this picture so no one can find it. Especially Emilio." Ryder replies.

"I'll hide it tmrw when I get home. We can't hide it here it will be easy to find." I say

"Alright. Well I guess we should go to bed now it's getting late." Ryder announces

I look over and see that the clock read 2:13am. I guess it was getting late. I nodded and we both got up and heading into the spare bedrooms in the gang house.

I pulled off my shirt and took off my shoes. I crashed into the bed and darkness soon took over me.


Will Lexi survive the coma? Will Maria (the twins mom) tell the boys that Lexi is Dallas? Will she keep the secret or spill it? What about Ivan and Ryder? Are they going to try and solve who shot Lexi? Why won't they tell Emilio? Who was the man on the motorcycle? Who is 'Red Dash'? Why would Kyle say that to Ivan? Will Emilio also try and find out who shot Lexi? Or is he too worried about her getting better? What about the white paper? Who are the people on the paper? Why is the child's face scribbled out? Who are they meeting tomorrow night? What will happen at the meeting?
What will happen next?
Find out in...
I Punched Emilio Martinez

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