Don't go... I'll miss you

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Start writing your story. That's what Yoongis mom had always said. Make a story that'll leave people speechless and make them want more. His mom was so different from his dad.

His dad wanted him to have a normal life. A life working in an office. A life with a wife and two kids. He wanted to control him. His dad would control who his friends were. He would control who he met.

Yoongi never felt safe with his dad. And so when he moved to Seoul to make a new life. He was surprised when his dad didn't try to find him. He still held contact to his mother since she never treated him like his father did.

He was happy with his choice of leaving Daegu since he had gotten much more out of life. And he had finally gotten a friend other than Seokjin and Namjoon.

He had gotten Taehyung.

It had been a week since the incident with the cat and the vet. It had been a week since he last saw Taehyung. Because sure Taehyung slept over that day but the next day he left again. Then when Yoongi had tried to contact him to ask if Taehyung was busy. He would receive an excuse. And then he wouldn't hear from him the rest of the day.

To say the least Yoongi was worried. He was constantly wondering if he did something wrong that night. He would ramble on and on and on about how he maybe did something wrong to his new cat.

He had tried calling and texting both Jungkook and Jimin asking if they knew anything but they would just avoid the subject. He had even tried asking Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon but they too avoided the question.

He was worried and he was not getting any answers.


Taehyungs POV

It's been a week since I slept over at Yoongi-hyungs house. It's been a week since I had decided on this plan. It's been a week of pure hell.

First of all I've had to stop myself from having any contact to Yoongi-hyung. I've had to plan a whole night over the course of a whole week. And there's still the chance that he'll say no!

But I'm gonna keep at it and I'm gonna go through with it!

So that's why I'm standing in front of a restaurant to make a call. The call that'll determine if this was a waste of time or if I'll get something good out of it. So I hesitantly take out my phone from my pocket before calling the right person.

"Yes? Taehyung?"

It calms me a little to hear Yoongi-hyungs voice. It's been a long time so it also makes me quite happy to hear it again.

"Yes it's me hyung. I wanted to ask if you are free today? Or rather tonight?"

My voice is wavering slightly because of nerves but they don't make me stutter at the very least.

"I'm not busy. Why what's the occasion? "

"I wanted to ask if you'd like to join me for tonight?"

"Sure why not. Are we going anywhere special? Do I have to wear something formal?"

"Please wear a suit. I'll get you later at 6 alright?"

"Sure I'll see you then."

As the call ended I was probably sporting the biggest smile in the world at that moment. I was ecstatic to be able to go on this date with him!


I forget to say it was a date!!

Yoongis POV

Is this happening? Did he really ask me out for dinner? or was I reading into this wrongly? Did he want to go on a date with me or was he just in the mood for something fancy and he didn't wanna go alone?

I was freaking out and I didn't know what to do. I was both stressing over what he meant when he invited me out. And while I was doing that I was also worrying about what to wear. Because sure he said suit but how formal? Should it be a laid back suit or a professional suit?

I had tried texting Namjoon but he didn't wanna answer. So he was either out with Jin-hyung or he was sleeping. I had even tried asking Hoseok. He too didn't wanna answer. Neither did Jungkook our Jimin. So either they were ignoring me our they're planning something.

I'll go with the latter since I don't think Namjoon would ignore me for a whole week nearly. And on that note I stopped trying to contact them and chose a suit that was enough to be both considered laid back while also remaining professional.


I was just done putting on my shoes when I heard a loud honking noise from outside. I peaked out to see Taehyung sitting in a pure black car. I quickly took my wallet and phone before going out to him.

When I was in the car I turned to him finally getting a near full view of him. And when I did my jaw nearly dropped. He was clad in a dark navy blue suit with a black undershirt. I suddenly felt like the suit I had chosen was wrong and I wanted to crawl in on myself but Taehyung just sent a bright warm smile towards me.

"You look pretty hyung!"

"Thank you Taehyung. You look quite handsome yourself." I tried to say in a confident voice but by the look on Taehyungs face I could clearly see it didn't work. We began driving towards where Taehyung had decided we should eat when my phone suddenly blew up with notifications.

I turned it on to see that it were mostly Namjoon but some from the others as well. I turned my phone on silent deciding they could handle me not answering at that moment knowing it wasn't anything serious. I then turned to Taehyung to see him smiling a broad smile.

I could only imagine that smile being because of me. But I knew that wasn't true. Something good must have happened to Taehyung then. I'm happy for him.

We then came to stop at the parking lot of the restaurant. And as we made our way towards the opening doors I swore to myself.

This is a very lucky day. And I'm happy that I'm able to see Taehyung again. I've missed him.

Thank you for reading!
I'm so sorry about the wait! And thank you for a thousand reads!

I hope you all have a good morning/day/night!

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