"Pan said to stay on the ship he's going to draw all the pirates off the ship." John explained.

"But it's there ship. You have me now wasn't that the point? A rescue mission?"

"Pan said that it was to bury Hook." Michael blurted out.


"Pan told us to give you this." John handed me a sword that had a note.

I unraveled the paper to read:

He was never there for you so either you can kill him or I will.

Peter was going to kill Captain Hook once and for all.

I looked up to see Peter fighting with Hook across the deck.

"Michael and John get inside and don't come out until I tell you too." I ordered as I pushed my brothers into Hook's headquarters.

"Pan is our leader not you." Michael sassed.

"I am your sister and I am doing this for your own good get inside." I increased my tone to a more serious and grown up-ness to it. What is wrong with me?

"Since when did you become so grown-up?" John asked.

"I didn't ask you for your permission get inside NOW!" I closed the door behind me. Hopefully, they would stay in there it's hard to open anyway but it's now like I could lock it I didn't have a key.

Oh my God. I just shut my brothers into the headquarters what was I thinking? Isn't that just like Hook did to me? I would do anything to protect the ones I love. Does Hook love me? Of course, he does he's my father. He really is my father and I really am his daughter.

I don't care they have to be in there for there own good. I don't have time to think about this.

"Peter!" I screamed across the deck fighting pirates as I made my way to him and Hook. I was almost there but Tinkerbell put pixie dust on Peter and I and we started flying. "What are you doing? Tink!"

"You got my note?" Peter smirked.

"Yes and you are insane. Hook may have done some bad things but he isn't completely evil you are both at fault here."

"I'm giving you the choice. I'm assuming your answer is no then."

"Of course it's a no I am not going to kill my own father. Especially after I have so many questions for you let's let this go and leave now."

"I have waited way too long for this Wendy."

"Too long for what? To kill Hook? He has only been after you and now me but it seems as if he has never really tried to hurt the lost boys. Remember that without Hook I wouldn't be here."

"He wants me to grow up Wendy. And growing up is something I will never do."

"Peter you have to let this go eventually everyone has to grow up."

"No I don't and you don't want to grow up anymore than I do."

"I don't want to but I have to. I already am grown up. I have a responsibility to take care of my family and whether I like it or not Hook is part of that family and I am not going to let you hurt him."

"Well it seems like you have made your choice."

I looked down at the ship. "I have. I'm sorry Peter I wish I could be 100% on your side I want to be but it isn't right."

"What isn't right about having fun?"

"It's the kind of fun. Your type of fun is vile and barbaric. You, Peter Pan have fun by bringing other people misery and I won't allow myself to support that."

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