Chapter 5

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The gong rang throughout the hideout and everyone made there way around the island.

"So where is this magic ring we have to find?" I asked.

"Whoever said it was magic?"Peter raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well if it isn't magic then why do you want it so badly?" I now continued to raise an eyebrow to Peter.

"Whoever said I wanted it badly?"

"Okay well now we're getting no where,"I shurgged it off. "Where do you expect to find this ring then?"

"Hook's ship."

"Well if you know where it is then why make a game out of it?"

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that?"

"And you never answer any," I snapped. "I didn't mean to snap at you it's just-"


"Excuse me?"

"Stop talking."

"I will not."

"I mean it!" Peter put his hand over my mouth as we hid by the side of the ship. The Jolly Roger. Wow I couldn't believe it. It was huge. It was just like I pictured.

"Peter." I whispered. "How do you expect us to get something that is on Hook's ship probably in his private quarters. You must be crazy."

"Heres whats going to happen. I am going to distract Hook and you are going to go into his headquarters and get the ring."

"Okay I can do that,"I reassured myself.

"Oh and one more thing."

I starred at Peter as he buried me with his green eyes piercing like arrows.

"Don't get caught and don't leave without that ring whether that means you have to leave me or not. If I leave you just fly back to the camp and don't look back as long as you have the ring. Do you understand?" Peter asked in all seriousness. Something told me this was more than just a game. This ring meant something to Peter which means it meant something to me.

"I understand," I nodded and Peter flew up.

I could hear Peter mocking Hook and the entire crew and although I didn't agree with his plan I knew it was probably best. He did choose me for a reason. Right?

I swiftly made my way into Hook's headquarters. I was surprised no one noticed me but it seems like they were all focused on Pan. All I knew was that I would have to do this quickly I didn't have much time.

"Okay if I had a ruby ring where would I put it?" I thought out loud scoping out the room. I immediately went to Hook's desk that had some sort of map of the island. It looked like he was trying to find the Lost Boys hideout. "Well this isn't good." I said to myself noticing that he was getting closer and closer to the hideout.

I will burn it before I leave but now I have a ring to find. I was digging through the draws trying to find that stupid ring. I didn't even know what this ring looked like I just knew that it had a ruby on it. Where would Hook hide a very important ring?

What if it was on his finger than I would be searching for nothing. Oh well. I searched the room inside and out it wasn't here. I grabbed the map and burned it from a flaming candle and then I heard the door open.

"Are you looking for something miss?" I heard a man ask. I slowly turned around to see a sailor in a blue and white striped shirt and a red beanie.

"I uh I was just uh" shoot I was speechless I had no words.

"I'm Smee." The man said as he started making his way towards me. I grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be a candle stick.

My Darling Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें