chapter 1

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So you probably already know my name and if you don't well, my name is Vannessa Black and until a few weeks ago I thought I was just a normal kid in a Not-so-normal school. Honestly, my school was far from normal. It was a school were we make party's(really crazy ones), ice fights (don't try it, I never thought ice could hurt so much), broken tables into water slides, boys try to do "parkour"( most of the time they end up hurt or stuck upside down in a table) and so on.

I was in 7th grade, in my Geography class or was it Biology? I don't remember, but the point is that it started that day in that class, the weird things I mean...well, my life is full of weird things so that is saying a lot.

That day I was as bored as ever, I had stayed up late to finish a project and guess what? the teacher didn't even come! so there I was, tired, bored, and not being able to talk to people, so I asked to go to the bathroom, just to waste time.

I was in the bathroom and I heard something, not something small, something so loud I was surprised the alarm wasn't off and people were running out of school, and me being the person I am, I went after the source of the sound.

I felt something in my hand, but I ignored it, put it in my pocket and I went outside the bathroom.

You know how I said that the weird sound was so loud that people could be running out of the building? yeah, no one heard it, which is only one of the weird things that happened that day.

Oops, getting of track.

I went outside the bathroom, and saw a man, in the middle of nothing, but the minute I saw him it was like time slowed down, because I could hear him talking to me but I couldn't make the words out, and that's when things changed, or he changed.

Bull horns sprouted from his head, his eyes turned red, he grew a.. snout?,his size was twice as big and his face became really furry

" I wonder how easily we can kill the great Vannessa, a demigod feared by the gods themselves, they say it is difficult to kill you, I believe you don't have your brother's skill do you?" the bull-man said

brother? what? oh wait he wants to kill you keep him blabbing.

I told myself.

"you know, he killed me twice, send me right into tartarus, last I heard he was there a few days ago, I don't know how he survived, took the doors of death right in front of our eyes, and of course the traitors, a titan and a giant, sure those two have been taken care of, by tartarus himself." he babbled.

Jeez, do all monsters babble before killing someone?

"wait, I'm getting lost, Who's my brother?" I asked, with only a slight evidence that I was nervous.

Bull-man laughed, or at least I think it was a laugh, or maybe he was mad that I interrupted his death speech.

"You don't know your own brother? he is Perseus Jackson, the supposed favorite of your father!" he laughed/snarled/made gurgling noises some more and then said

"But I believe you won't live long enough to meet him." Then he lunged and time just randomly decided to slow, again.

I stumbled toward the left and took out the thing that appeared in my hand earlier, it was a knife? no, dagger, there is a difference between those, I think.

what am I supposed to do with this, fight him? yeah right.

"I guess we are doing this the hard way?" Bull-man said and turned into a real bull-man, he was now like 12ft tall, his horns grew longer and the chest of a ma- is that a tail? I think it is.

now you may me wondering, "how is your school ceiling that high?" I'ts not. In the middle of every floor, exept the first and second floor(which I was on) there are this huge holes, so as long as I stayed in the middle I won't be in trouble big one anyway.

So if that is how it's going to be...

Let's take this cow down


Don't forget to




see you later demigods!!

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