Chapter Four: Family

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Eve decided to go to her parent's house the next morning. After all, she just Graduated. Besides she could see Eden and Adam again!

It was around 12 when she left. Her parents house wasn't far. She decided to walk there. After all, she needed the exercise. She got to the building, she went up to the 68th floor. She rang the bell and expected her mom or dad's smiling face. She was pleasantly surprised when Kingsley opened the door.

Kingsley was a friend her her dad. He was a bachelor but he had a girlfriend once. He was nice and gave her food.

Who would hate someone with food!

"Hello Eve! Congratulations for Graduating!"

"Thanks Kingsley!"

"I got your favorite ice cream; cookie dough!"

"Kingsley, you're the best!!!"

"Thanks. Your mom is shopping, but your dad, Adam and Eden are here."

And with that Eve she hear her little siblings screaming at each other.

"Gimme my tablet back, Eden!"

"Noooo!!! You took MY tablet first!"

"You don't need it! You can use yoir brain!"

"But I WANT it!!!"

Eve rolled her eyes at her litle siblings. Those two never seemed to get along!

"Adam! Eden! Behave yourselves! I didn't come just to hear you two arguing!" Kingsley scolded them.

"Sorry Kingsley," they said embarrassed.

"It's okay, guys!"

"Did you even notice ME??!!" Eve joked.

As a respose, she got two big hugs from both of them!

"Eve!" her dad said as he hugged her.

One thing Eve was grateful for was her family. Kingsley was almost like family. He never had kids of his own, so Eve, Eden, and Adam were like his kids. He once told her what he would've named his child, but Eve couldn't remember. Her mom and dad were wonderful parents. Eden and Adam were annoying, but she loved them anyway.

She couldn't imagine them not being there.

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