Six - Husband and Wife

Start from the beginning

"Mariska - you alright, honey?"

Mariska looked over her shoulder, her lips curling into the happiest smile as she eyed the woman who had raised her from the age of three. Ellen Hargitay, her beloved step mother, had been a constant in her life and had given her more love than she could have ever imagined. This woman helped shape her into the woman she had become, and Mariska was truly grateful and happy to have her.

"I'm great," she sniffled slightly, "I was just watching the lake, thinking about...Mama." She swallowed and blinked back some tears, trying her hardest not to cry as she didn't want to mess up her make up. Ellen pulled her into a warm hug, squeezing her tightly and pecking her cheek.

"She's right here with you, sweetheart; and she's watching, and I know she's so proud of you and loves you so much." She whispered. Mariska nodded, pulling away and wiping the couple of tears that had slipped down her cheek.

"I feel her, she's in here," she placed her hand over her heart, before grabbing hold of Ellen's hands and bursting out with; "Oh my God, Mom; I'm getting married - to the best man."

"Yes you are, sweetie, and we are truly excited," Ellen giggled, cupping her face in her hands; "Now, let's get you dressed, so we can get going. You have a wedding to get to."

Mariska laughed, feeling like her heart was
talking flight as she grabbed hold of Ellen's hand. The excitement was overwhelming, and now, she was more than ready to start the rest of her life.

Meanwhile, just a couple miles away, in the back of the church stood Peter with his father and brother. The men were finishing up with getting ready, all dressed in crispy suits with pale pink shirts and black bow ties and a small flower pinned to their jacket. Peter was feeling a mixture of emotions himself; love for the woman he was marrying and their family and friends and happiness and pride because he was truly marrying the most wonderful woman in the world, yet sadness as his grandmother, whom he had been extremely close to, wasn't here to experience this beautiful day. He held her in his heart every day, and he knew she approved of this - he could feel it.

" alright son?" He looked up; his father was speaking him. He nodded, a smile on his lips as he tried not to become too overwhelmed with emotion.

"I just can't believe this; I'm feeling super blessed - marrying Mariska," he took a deep breath; "Here I was...thinking I would I'm so blessed; I love her." He scrubbed a hand down his face and rolled his shoulders, trying not to cry as he thought about how blessed and happy he was.

"Believe it son; you've got one of the best," his father placed a hand on his shoulder;

"Remember my advice - you take care of her, honor her, cherish her, and love her like no other; she's a wonderful woman, and don't ever let her go."

Peter nodded, opening his mouth to speak
when he was suddenly interrupted by his brother, who chimed in with his normal, joking behavior;

"She's beautiful, brother; so yeah don't let her go, or I'll take her."

Peter chuckled, shoving him playfully;

"Thanks...both of you." He then pulled them both into a hug, patting them on the back. He was grateful for all of his family, but especially for his brother, and even more so for his father, who had taught him everything about how to be a man.

The next few hours passed in a blur. It wasn't long before Mariska was ready, with her makeup and hair having been touched up to complete perfection. Now, she was dressed in the pale pink dress and her veil was attached to the clip in her hair. Her half sister, Jayne Marie, had presented her with a locket that held a picture on each side - one of her grandmother, and one of her mother, and after she'd hugged the life out of Jayne Marie and cried some more, she slipped the locket on. The cold metal pressed against her chest, over her heart, and it filled her with a sense of peace and calm knowing that she had these two women with her on this day, especially her mother.

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