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It had been almost three weeks since I started working at 'The Vintage diner'. It's nearby, almost a 5minute walk from my place. I basically go there anytime I want, Luke, the owner pays me 5 dollars for every hour I work. I take orders and serve food, that's basically all I do. I had kind of taken what Penelope said about my father's money too much to my heart. And, I did want to work too, I've always wanted to work at a diner. I love those cute uniforms, I love seeing new people and I absolutely love providing food!

It was usually Luke, Jake, the cook, Liya, the other girl that helped him cook, she's a college student, she too came anytime she was free and got payed 7 dollars instead of 5, and me.

The diner was super cute, exactly like the name, completely vintage. It had a few round bar chairs at the counter and 7 tables with 4 chairs each. The walls were a light shade of blue, the chairs were all red and the tables were brown. The counter was wooden and had tints of black in certain places. The plates had different old school band names printed on them, like the bangles, U2, backstreet boys, etc. the windows were huge and ahead was the main road. The door had bells in front of it so every time the door would open it would give a pleasant chime sound.

Usually, I work for an hour after school, hang out with the boys after that, study for a bit and then worked from 9-11. To make sure of my 'safety', Noah would come sit at the diner with the boys EVERYDAY, eat junk and embarrass me in front of everyone that came.

"You know you can do other useful things instead of wasting your time at the diner..." I suggested to Noah as we were walking back home after the diner was shut.

"Not leaving you alone." He said and held my hand tight.

"At least sit and study there, I hate it that you don't study enough!" I demanded.

"Whatever you say Captain!" Noah sang cheerfully and I replied with a small giggle.

She forgets that I know her... she forgets that I notice her getting worried, she forgets that I immensely care about her and I want to always keep her safe. She hasn't spoken about the guy in the black hoodie after we went to target. But I know she sees him, I see him too and so do the other boys. Yes, I told Tristan and kol about it, I needed to. If this man was dangerous, just Dylan and I wouldn't be enough.

Cara maintains a diary that she hides in my room thinking I'd never find it, and I wouldn't have, but once, I saw her hiding it in one of my empty shoe boxes. She could've hidden it in her own room but considering she's in mine most of the time, I get that she might find the need to write in the middle of the night.

She writes about everything important. She's mentioned that everyday she sees the black hoodie guy around wherever she goes, school, the diner, grocery store, the movies, everywhere. Ever since the day I read her diary I've tried my best not to leave her alone for even a minute. If not me then one of the other boys. And I'm so thankful cause they have zero issues about this. In fact, they're extremely concerned too.

After finally collecting my thoughts together, I decided to confront her.

"Cara, tell me what you've been holding in." I stopped and looked in her eyes.

"What? I- I didn't quite get you." She stammered, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Cara, look I'm sorry I read your diary. But you really should've told me about the black hoodie guy." I spilled.

"Noah but you didn't seem worried so I thought you weren't taking it seriously!" She came closer and held my hand tighter than ever. I felt her get tensed and I hated to see her in any other state than completely happy.

"Carolina you're my all. I would never do that." I slowly explained to her and took her face in my hands.

She slowly looked up with tears forming up in her eyes. I had to break the tension so I sparked, "oh and by the way, I really like you too Cara!"

I ran as fast as I could knowing she'd understand where that was coming from... her diary. She first wrote a few pages about how she loves being with me, and the boys and specially me. Then she moved forward with 'I really really like like Noah.' And I cannot possibly explain how happy that made me because Carolina is the kind of girl that anyone I know would dream of. Particularly me, I've always wanted someone who would consist of the same qualities that she does.

But I knew she'd be embarrassed by it and the whole situation would change quickly. I really thought she would run behind me and scream and cry like a little baby but... nothing. No footsteps, no 'Noah I'm gonna kill you'. Absolutely nothing.

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