Chapter 7

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          A week later, Barnaby and Kotetsu were at the office when Kaede texted Kotetsu saying that she was on her last bus. He stood up and looked at Barnaby with a smile. "Ready to go get our daughter, Bunny?" Barnaby blushed and smiled softly. "Yeah... And ya know, I love the sound of that... 'our daughter....' It has a nice ring to it..." Kotetsu chuckled and kissed his cheek before the couple left their desks and informed Mr. Lloyds that they had to pick up Kaede, to which their boss nodded in approval. They left his office, got in Kotetsu's car, and drove to the bus station. As they drove, Kotetsu noticed that Barnaby was getting fidgety. "Bunny? What's on your mind?" Barnaby looked over at him. "I was just thinking.... Am I even ready for the responsibility of being a dad.....? I know she's twelve years old now but I don't want to mess things up with her.... Don't get me wrong... I want this..... I'm just scared I'll mess up...." Kotetsu sighed and rested a hand on Barnaby's knee. "Calm down.... You're going to do great... And you will never have to do this alone. I promise, Bunny. She already loves you, and so do I..." he said as he parked at the bus station. He cupped Barnaby's cheek and leaned over to kiss his soft pink lips.

          Barnaby relaxed and kissed him back before they got out in time to see Kaede's stop and open the doors. Barnaby took a deep breath before he saw their daughter get off the bus with her bags. When she looked over, she saw both men waiting for her. Her eyes lit up and she ran over and hugged them both tight. "Dad!! Daddy!!!" Hearing Kaede call him "Dad" made him smile happily and he hugged her back tight. "Hey, Sweetheart.... How was the trip...?" Barnaby asked. Kaede smiled and nodded. "Yep! I'm kinda tired from it, though..." Barnaby nodded and took her bags and set them in the trunk for her. "Daddy... How are you? Ya know, with your powers being stuck at only a minute...." Kotetsu smiled and squeezed her shoulder, "Don't worry. I never cared about the points; it's always been about helping others. So I've been perfectly fine with the helping part." She nodded and smiled. After enjoying a few minutes together, the family got in the car and drove to Kotetsu's apartment.

          As they drove, Kotetsu looked at Kaede in the back seat and smiled as he saw she was sound asleep. "I still can't believe she came all this way from Oriental Town by herself...." he whispered to Barnaby. Barnaby looked at her and smiled softly. He whispered back, "She's probably the bravest kid I have ever met aside from Pao-Lin... She will make an amazing hero someday..." Kotetsu nodded. He was more than proud of his baby girl. Barnaby smiled and kissed Kotetsu's cheek softly. They were finally a complete family, and he was honored to be Kaede's step-dad. He decided that he would be the best step-dad he could be for her. It didn't take them long to get back to the apartment so while Barnaby got her bags, Kotetsu carefully got Kaede out of the car without waking her. Barnaby opened the door for him, and Kotetsu carried her to the bedroom the two men decorated as best they could for a teenage girl since her birthday was right around he corner. Before Kotetsu laid her down on the bed, Barnaby removed her shoes and pulled back the blanket. 

           Once the blanket was pulled back up over her, the two got to work unpacking her clothes, hanging up what need to be hung up while folding her jeans and shorts. Barnaby set her several pairs of shoes in a shoe organizer they had gotten while Kotetsu the stuffed animals she brought with her in a hammock thing in the corner of the room. Barnaby saw the photo of her being held by Kotetsu and her late mother, making him smile softly as he whispered, "Tomoe.... Please, guide me in the way of being the perfect step-dad for Kaede.... I promise I'll do the best I can for her...." He set the photo on Kaede's desk and kissed her temple since she had shifted onto her side. Kotetsu looked over and saw the scene, smiling as his heart swelled with joy. Barnaby noticed him watching and blushed slightly as he tucked her suitcases under her bed. "I say we give her about a month to adjust to city life...." Barnaby whispered. Kotetsu nodded in agreement; she needed to get used to this city before she could even think of joining the Academy. The two men looked over at Kaede, who was still sound asleep, and left the room to let her rest.

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