Chapter 2

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          The next morning, Barnaby woke up and immediately regretted opening his eyes; his head began pounding, and he groaned in pain. He knew he had a hangover, but he couldn't let that stop him from working. After forcing himself out of bed, he noticed a glass of water and an ibuprofen. His eyes softened as a smile crept to his lips; Kotetsu must've  left these for him knowing he had a hangover. He gladly took the medicine and went to take a shower. It didn't take him long to find some soap and lather up, the suds cascading down his body as he washed himself. Once his body was clean, he used some of Koteysu's oatmeal and honey shampoo and conditioner. He knew this scent well, and just the smell of it sent his body longing for the older hero. Once he rinsed his hair out, he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. He grabbed the closest towel he could and began to dry off,  blushing softly as he wondered to himself if Kotetsu had used this same towel earlier. It was damp so it was possible. After drying his curly blonde hair, he set the towel on the counter and dressed in his usual style of outfit, incorporating the jacket, of course.

          Once his hair was styled and dried, he brushed his teeth and walked to Justice Tower. The autumn morning air was crisp with the scent of fresh cinnamon rolls being baked in a nearby bakery. The leaves were all a beautiful mixture of gold, red, and orange. Barnaby smiled and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and relaxing, before continuing his walk to the tower. Once there, he scanned his identification badge and entered through the gates on his trip to the desks. He saw Nathan, who smiled and winked at him, confusing the blonde. Did he do something the night prior to earn a greeting like that from the fire-type NEXT? He shrugged it off before opening the door to the office where his and Kotetsu's desks were. The second he did, he saw a huge bouquet of his favorite roses with a medium sized plush tiger. His eyes widened; who put this stuff here?? Barnaby shyly went over and sat down, looking at the card attached to the roses. His eyes widened and his face became so flushed it matched his jacket when he read the contents. "Bunny, last night you told me you loved me and I turned you down because you were drunk. If you're reading this, it means you're sober and made it to your desk. That said, will you be mine?" Barnaby read silently. He couldn't believe it; here was a note from the man of his dreams asking him out. He smiled big, and when Kotetsu walked inside, Barnaby ran and hugged him tight.

          "Of course, I will, Kotetsu!!!" Kotetsu caught him and stumbled backward a step before smiling happily. "I'm glad you said yes.... Now, we can plan a first date to celebrate...." Kotetsu said softly, only loud enough for Barnaby to hear him. Barnaby, of course, smiled and nodded. He was happy with anything Kotetsu wanted to do as long as they were together. "Ya know, the plush is adorable..... Thank you...." Kotetsu smiled softly, "I take it you like it...?" Barnaby shook his head and winked, "No, I love it!!" Kotetsu smiled happily and since they were alone, he tilted Barnaby's face up and kissed him softly but lovingly. Neither of them could wait for their first date together, Barnaby especially.

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