Part two | kth

Beginne am Anfang

Of course you completely respected that, giving him the time he needed. There was no rush in becoming friends, obviously it was meant to just slowly happen. Although you did occasionally wonder, whether this would turn into a relationship than a friendship between you two. But given the time between the both of you becoming close friends was only a few weeks, isn't quite the right time to start assuming things.

So whilst reading your book in the library on campus, pretty much devouring every single word on display, you jump when someone hits your shoulders and starts immediately laughing.

"Taehyung?" You narrow your eyes, placing the book on the table. "Dude, I could of died." You cackle, leaning upwards with your palm against your chest.

He chuckles, taking a seat across from you. "I was planning to just tap your shoulder but you seemed way too interested in that book." He leans forward, grabbing the book.

"Taehyung—" you try to grab it back, failing as he swipes it up into the air.

Your shoulders drop and you sulk in your seat.

His eyes suddenly widen. "Woah—holy shit."

You furrow your brows, leaning closer in your seat. "What? What? Tell me."

He glances at you then back at the book with his mouth open and eyes rounded in surprise. "You didn't tell me you had a kinky spot."

You gasp. "Kinky?" But then you remember why you were so deeply into the book, it was obviously a smut scene in full and exotic description. Shit. You groan aloud, feeling awful. How could you have let him find out?

"Little miss innocent isn't so innocent anymore."

You narrow your eyes before placing your hands in front of your face and sighing in annoyance.

"Wait—" you look up at him. "Do you actually get turned on by reading sex scenes in books?"

You groan at the predicted question, sitting up straightly and running a hand through your hair. "Do I have to answer that?"

"Well of course." He deadpans.

"Fine." You heave. "Yes. Yes I do get turned on."

His eyebrows raise but he seems calm. Questionably calm really. Why is he so calm?

"So, do you get like.. wet?"


"What?" He shrugs averting his gaze. "I just wanna know."

You roll your eyes, not understanding the point of how and why these questions seem so important to him when there nothing but irrelevant.

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