[FEAT] The Trip Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

"Oh wow, that guy is.." Yoongi drawled while still looking at Jen's phone, not sure what word to use.

"Irritatingly persistent," Jennie finished for him.

"Just block his number?" Suga suggested.

She shook her head and locked her phone again, "I can't, I still need to reply to him from time to time or else I'll seem rude or disrespectful."

"Who is he? You called him sunbae so an idol? But he mentioned a new drama.. an idol turned actor then?"

"It's Jung Jinyoung-sunbae," she sighed.

"Jung Jinyoung? B1A4?" Jen nodded at this, "how did he even get your number?"

"It was because of Dohwan-oppa," she started, but saw confusion on Yoongi's face, "you know the actor we shot the Sprite CF with?" Her companion nodded in realization this time, so she decided to continue;

"Dohwan-oppa is actually cool - like a brother, so the girls and I had gotten close with him in an instant. We exchanged numbers and would send congratulatory messages to each other here and there. Then it turns out Dohwan-oppa is friends with Jinyoung-sunbae, he asked for my number and the rest is history."

Yoongi shook his head, a frown evident on his face, "that's tough."

"I know.." she said slumping her shoulders in defeat. "If only I could straight up tell him to stop without sounding like a total bitch."

"Then do it!"

Jen grimaced, "no way! I've got enough 'Blackpink Jennie is a total bitch' rumors to last me a lifetime just because I look like one, no need to give them an actual proof."

Yoongi didn't say anything for a while, and Jen was about to tell him she'll go back upstairs when he suddenly suggested something. "Why not tell him you have a boyfriend?"

"Jisoo-unnie already thought of that but Lisa immediately countered it with - 'what if he asked for some proof?' so.. no."

"Ask someone to pretend then," Yoongi shrugged.

Jen scoffed, "already tried.. my idiotic labelmates just made fun of me. I bet they're just scared of Sajangnim finding out."

"Don't you have other male friends?"

She glared at him, "you're really asking me that Oppa?"

Yoongi grinned, raising his hands up, "chill! Yah I'm trying to help you!"

"Other than my labelmates, you guys are the only male friends I have.. could you ask one of your members then?" Jen pouted.

Yoongi nodded, "hmm okay, I'll try.."

Jen clapped once, "yey thanks!"

"Why don't you just do it Hyung?"

The two almost jumped on their seats when a sleepy voice resounded from the kitchen entrance. They both quickly turned to the squinting Jungkook who was carrying an almost-sleeping Lisa on his back. He lazily - and comically - sauntered towards one of the cupboards, pulling out two bowls of instant ramyeon.

"Yeah, just do it Yoongi-oppa, credits to Nike-nim," Lisa mumbled sleepily.

"What in the world are you two doing?" Jennie asked while looking at their crazy maknaes.

"I got hungry, went to Jungoo's room and pull him away from Tae-oppa's arms so he could make me some ramyeon," Liz explained, softly chuckling in the end.

"I want me some too so her wish is my command.. you want Hyung? Noona?" Kook asked after settling Liz down her feet - she then casually back-hugged him, making the boy grin endearingly.

This made Jennie observe them in curiosity - Liz is being more affectionate towards Jungkook lately. Is something up? Nah she's just being paranoid. Maybe the girl is finally being more open with her feelings, yeah that's it.

She just knowingly averted her eyes at the guy beside her, almost laughing with him at how cute the younger ones were being. Though of course, they won't admit it anytime soon.

"No thanks, I'm actually on my way back upstairs," Jen replied first, sliding down the counter.

Yoongi followed suit, "yeah me too. You both eat those quickly and go back to sleep."

"Ne~" Kook and Liz obediently replied.

"But seriously Hyung, you came up with the idea so why don't you be the one to pretend to be Noona's boyfriend right?" JK said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up kid," Suga just uttered before following Jennie out of the kitchen - he didn't even notice her leaving.

When he arrived at the top of the stairs, the girl was already in front of her and Jisoo's room and was already holding the doorknob. He just shrugged and decided to walk straight to his, when Jen suddenly cleared her throat.

"Can you be my pretend boyfriend, Oppa?"

He automatically faced her with a startled expression, and was greeted by her curious one. "Do I even reach Jennie Kim's standards?"

Jennie laughed, "where did your confidence go?"

Yoongi looked straight through her eyes, "I sometimes like to pretend that I don't have it so I won't disappoint myself and other people."

She knew what he meant. Oh she did. It was her entire life in one sentence. And at that moment, she made up her mind;

"You exceed my standards Oppa, so will you?"

He smirked, "call me when it's time to start."


double update say whut?

by the way folks, i have nothing against jung jinyoung (i even have a lowkey crush on him!). i just recently rewatched love in the moonlight and he's the first person that came into my mind when i thought of an idol turned actor so yep i chose him ♡

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