"So what's up?"

I finished chewing my last piece of my dinner and put my plate (leaf?) down on the table next to the bed, gulped and thought it's now or never. "So Peter Pan hates mermaids, huh?"

"Yes, I've never seen him have so much hatred towards any kind of creature before, no offense."

I faked a smile, "none taken." Ouch, hearing that he hates my kind still stung a bit. "Sooo... What was the deal with that one 'abnormal' mermaid? Why did she conspire with Hook?"

"Well I already told you about the whole sleeping with him bit, right?" I nooded. She went on, "Well, after the mermaids were banished, we found out that the one that was with Hook, the special one, though we couldn't figure out exactly which one she was and of course, Hook wouldn't give her up..."

"Tink, focus please, you're rambling. What did you guys find out about her?"

Tink looked around the room and then replied, "Right, sorry. So that mermaid wasn't actually a mermaid to begin with. She was a sorceress! A super powerful one at that. Apparently she wanted to harness Peter Pan's power for her own? But then she met Hook while out in the woods and well, she fell in love."

"Oh wow. So how come she was banished too if she was a sorceress?"

"So this sorceress, had turned herself into a mermaid so she could get intel on Pan since he was close to the mermaids once, trusted them as much as the Lost Boys even. That's how she found out about where their hideout was, and when she told Hook, well, you already know the rest. But she had to be a mermaid for a LONG time to get all the information that she did, and when Pan banished all of the mermaids after the incident, she, too, was banished since she had been in mermaid form for so long. Yes, she did switch back into a human when she was on the ship with Hook, but when the war was going on, she was a mermaid and hadn't changed back in time when Pan banished all of them."

"Wow, so Pan is really powerful, huh?"

"Yeah, question is how has he not found you yet?"

"No he has..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean?"

"He found me the first day I got here, well more like Felix found me. They just don't know I'm a mermaid." I laughed awkwardly and began fidgeting with the blanket on the bed, trying to not make eye contact with Tinkerbell.

"How did Felix find you when you first got here?"

"Well, he sort of kidnapped me, took me to his tent and tried to shove his tongue down my throat."

"Damn, was he a good kisser?"

"Gee, I don't know Tink. I didn't wait around long enough to find out. I kicked him in the nuts and ran the hell out of there. But after I was found, I was beaten up by the Lost Boys and Pan had later fixed my face back to normal with his magic." I smiled thinking about Peter Pan.

Tinkerbell stared at me intently, "Oooooh I see."

"What? What do you mean 'oh I see'?"

"You like him!"

"What? NO! No, I don't."

"Uh-huh, sure. You liiiike him like him."

I started to turn bright pink as I hid my face in my hands, "I don't know! Maybe? I mean, he is really, really hot! And he is one of the first guys to have ever showed me any sort of kindness, even if he can be a jerk sometimes. But I don't know if he'd ever like me, especially if he loathes mermaids! And I don't even know how to have a relationship with a guy, I never even had my first kiss and I had a HORRIBLE relationship with my father so I just-uh yeah. This doesn't leave the room, got it?"

Adventure Awaits in NeverlandМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя