Chapter 11: The Potion

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I slapped Smee on the shoulder and said, "Alright mate, let's go get our little mermaid and head back to the ship."

Smee nodded and we both started walking into the direction of the spring where Luna was. We could hear the thunder all around us and I knew we needed to get her as quickly as possible, not only to start executing our plan but to find cover from this storm. We arrived at the edge of the spring, I called out her name, "Luna!" No response, damn, where is she? "Smee, do you see her under the water?" We both looked in the water, scanning for her hair or tail or simply anything at this point.

"Captain... I don't see anything. I think she swam away!"

"Dammit!! How are we going to find her now?!"

"I could send out the men to go look for her, Captain."

I shook my head, "No, that'll look too conspicuous."

I kicked a bunch of rocks that were near my feet into the water and stormed off back into the forest. I punched one of the trees and then turned my back towards it and slumped all the way to the ground. Smee walked over sheepishly to me as he watched me take a swig from my flask.

"Chin up Captain, she won't be so hard to find." I glared at him. "I-I mean, s-she's the only mermaid on the island!"

"Who can have legs on land you idiot! She was my one chance of being able to see her again." I took another swig from my flask.

I watched as Smee fidgeted with his hands and looked up nervously at the sky, "We should head back to the ship, at least until the storm passes."

I took another swig of my rum, stood up, and handed Smee the flask. "Here, have one for the road."

Smee looked excited for a moment as he grabbed the flask from my hand and then began to stutter, "A-Are you sure, Captain?"

"This is your only chance. So drink up."

Smee downed the rest of the flask as I looked up at the sky to see lightning strike across it.

"Come on, Smee, let's get back to the ship."

Smee nodded and we began walking into the forest.



I sat down on Tinkerbell's bed with dinner in hand and looked around her room, or should I call it a tree house? I'm not entirely sure. I saw a bunch of different tools on the tables in the room, along with different versions of her dress hung on the walls. There also seemed to be blueprints etched into large leaves strewn about the tables as well.

"So you like to build things, huh?"

"Definitely! It helps pass the time. Now, eat your chicken, you've had a long day."

I nodded and took a big bite out of my cooked chicken. I didn't realize I was starving until I had that bite. Well, it makes sense seeing as I only had some apples that morning when I went picking fruit with Pan. I sighed. I wondered if he even noticed that I was gone, or hell, was out looking for me. I shook my head, I doubt it.

Tinkerbell sat on the bed with me, studied my face, and then asked, "Something on your mind?"

I shook my head to try to clear my thoughts and gave a small smile, "Actually, I have a few questions if you don't mind answering them."

"Of course not, ask away! Except don't ask about how I make my chicken taste amazing, it's a secret." She winked.

I let out a laugh, "I promise I won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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