You Were Meant For Me - Larry Stylinson One Shot

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"It's because I haven't wanted to force myself upon you. We should just want to be loving towards each other mutually!" I shoved my toothbrush into the bag, and made a grab for the toothpaste.

Louis however slapped his hand over it before I could pick it up, "I still think you're being ridiculous."

I unscrewed the lid without him removing his hand, causing some of the toothpaste to spill onto the counter. I held up the cap to show him what I had, and then I launched it out of the room. It ricocheted off of the wall outside the door and disappeared down the hall.

"Harry!" Louis yelled angrily.

"Have fun finding the cap. I'm going to Liam's. I probably wont be back for awhile so don't bother asking," I hissed, pushing past him to grab my keys from the kitchen. I snatched them off the hook they hung on by the refrigerator before I stormed out of the flat and to my car. As I backed savagely out of the drive, I took into consideration how he hadn't tried to stop me. If he didn't need me, I didn't need him either.

[Louis P.O.V]

To be honest, I was slightly confused as to why Harry had flipped out. Clearly, however, we were both annoyed with one another. He apparently thought I nagged to much when I had every good reason to nag. He was constantly doing careless things, like leaving a light on when left a room, or just dropping his used towels wherever when he was done with them, he always left the cap off of the toothpaste, and if he had showered, he'd shake his hair and splatter the mirror with water droplets, and it would streak later.

And then he was always flaunting his perfect body by walking around practically nude. Alright... so that part I didn't mind, but seeing him always reminded me of how perfect he was, how I didn't deserve someone like him. He wasn't always a slob. He would do my laundry occasionally, and he'd do the washing up even if he hadn't dirtied up any of the dishes that needed washing. So it was probably for the best that he was going to Liam's. If he didn't need me, I didn't need him.

I stood at the sink and washed the dishes and tried to get Harry out of my mind. He'd barely been gone twenty minutes, there was no way I could miss him already. I refused to miss him. But as I finished the washing up and put away the dishes, I went and crawled back into my bed. It used to be a shared bed, but now it was big and lonely. And it would probably be lonely for awhile.

[Harry's P.O.V]

Liam, being the great guy that he is, said that of course he would let me crash at his place for as long as I wanted. I'd have to sleep on the couch, but it was whatever. I just didn't want to be back at the flat with Louis. I don't need him, I continued to tell myself, sure we've been together for what seems like forever, but that doesn't mean I need him.

"Harry..." Liam had asked when I first showed up. "What happened?"

"We don't need each other anymore I guess," I shrugged simply.

"Is that what Lou said?" he pressed.

"No," I answered quickly. "That's what I say."

He hadn't bothered me about it after that. Which I was perfectly fine with. I didn't need someone to talk to me about what happened, because I wasn't affected by it. Not in the slightest. Sure, I didn't have Louis to lay my head on when we watched films on the telly, didn't have his fingers running through my hair, but I didn't need that. I'd be fine.

Days passed, and I was tired and grumpy from sleeping on Liam's couch. But I still didn't miss Louis, and he probably didn't miss me. Each morning I would wake up at 6AM and make breakfast for Liam and I. I'd make eggs, sunny-side up, and bacon, and then I'd make a smiley face out of two eggs and the bacon on two plates. Or I'd make pancakes and make a happy face on them with the syrup. It only made sense. I was happy. Liam would make coffee, and he'd try to make small talk, but I didn't feel like talking. Louis would always somehow make me laugh so hard during breakfast that I'd choke on my food or apple juice would come out of my nose. But I didn't miss him.

You Were Meant For Me - Larry Stylinson One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now