I puffed my cheeks at him, furiously ignoring his ignorance.

Amy patted his hand, "Now Alex, dear, be nice to Amy. She is dealing with Mr. Reputation over here, after all."

My brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Your little Chase has rumors crawling all over him. Of course there's the stupid stuff like him being a drug dealer, beating up twelve guys at once, getting two girls pregnant, you know, the stuff no one has proof to. But then on the other hand, he has gotten into fights at school, has had slut bags climbing up his fire pole, and doesn't have any friends." Amy explained.

I shook my head, "He seemed genuine."

Alex exhaled, "Sorry to say, but if he did say those things, he's probably just messing you. I can't even tell you how many times I've walked in on him and Kandie doing the nasty."

He shuttered a little at the thought.

"Whatever, I'm not that interested in him anyways. He was the one who asked me out! And who the hell is Kandie?" I said angrily.

"Kandie is known for whoring around, but she's a regular with Chase. It seems like they hook up on and off. He's been with other girls too, but she's the most known." Amy explained again.

I crammed a handful of fries into my mouth before I could say something stupid.

Whoever the hell this girl was doesn't matter. If Chase wants to get with me, he'll have to ditch the whores. And even then, I can't say I'll consider him.

After that, I drove back home and snuggled in my cozy bed. It was kinda hard to sleep, but after awhile I managed.


While I groaned all through my Monday classes and stomped my feet at how ugly I looked today, I avoided Chase like the plague. 

Not that I believed all the rumors that I had heard..

not the one about him breaking a girl's nose,

nor killing a teacher,

nor even him being a secret terrorist

but still, it was better to be safe than sorry and something in my gut told me not all of these rumors were untrue.

The one about this Kandie being a slut was defintely true.

I hadn't even noticed that she was in my English class. But then roll call came around and when a "Kandie Evans" was called, a stupid fake red head giggled before calling back 'here'. Did I mention she was climbing ontop of one guys lap while this was happening.

Sure, some people would call sitting in a guy's lap innocent, but then this girl, with her giant boobs, high-waisted shorts and crop top tank top, this act was no where near pure.

While yes, I have nothing against the recent trend of vintage clothing or bottled ginger, her general demeanor was a bit, overbearing.

and yes, I'm trying to be nice when I say that she looked like a prostitute. But a high end prostitute, at the very least. 

But other than that incounter, my day had been gone by smoothly. I hadn't seen Chase and I just had one more class to deal with untill sweet freedom.

But of course, my sweet peace ended when a rough hand grabbed my arm while I was at my locker.

"Been a while, hot stuff," Chase said over his signiture smirk.

"Heya" I winked, trying to show my indifference under my deer-in-the-headlights-i've-been-spotted feeling I had.

Jugling a couple of books, I managed to sort everything out and closed my locker up. By the time I turned around, Chase also closed his locker and turned towards me.

"Doing anything for the rest of the day?"

I shifted my feet uncomfortably, "Not really."

"Good," He took my hand and led me out to the parking lot.

"Where are we going?"

He stared at me stupidly, "To your car?"

I rolled my eyes, "And why?"

He looked at me like I was an idiot, "I'm hungry and my car got taken away."

I sighed, "Why the hell did it get taken away?"

He grinned as I walked towards my car and unlocked it, "You haven't heard the rumors?"

I almost passed out when he said that. 

Literally. My face went pale and I just didn't respond. 

I'm hoping he though this silence meant I didn't care. Hell, he can think whatever he wants! But of all the things to say!

"Stop there," Chase pointed at an old pizza place, and so I turned into the parking lot and there we were. Once we opened the door to the restuarant, a chubby girl from school greeted us with a fake smile.

It seemed like she wasn't used to people coming in... and I wouldn't blame her. The place was pretty much deserted.

We got into a round corner booth and Chase ordered a large Supreme pizza. Once the waitress left he immediately scooted over next to me. I leaned over uncomfortably.

Honestly, it was a bit creepy how smoothly he did it.

The waitress returned with our waters as he placed a hand on my thigh. Once she left though, I was full force to protest.

"You're a bit touchy today." I said, leaning on my propped elbow.

He took his hand off my thigh and frowned, "Likewise. What's your deal?"

I rolled my eyes, "I just don't want to be man-handled by you everytime you feel an urge"

He sighed irritably, "Well it's not like you'll tell me if you feel an urge."

I took a sip from my water.

Okay, maybe I was getting a bit carried away. I mean, rumors aren't usually true. And even with this Kandie girl, it doesn't seem like she wants to hook up with Chase at the moment.

Maybe I'm being too much of a bitch.

It's not like he did anything wrong to me..

Chase chuckled, "You must be thirsty."

I put down my glass, now noticing I had drank more than half of my cup.

"Sorry, Monday is just not my day." 

He nodded in understanding and draped his arm around my shoulders. As I gladfully leaned into his body.

The pizza arrived soon afterwards and I watched as we both scarfed down a whole pizza.


Hey! Still trying to make Monday my deadline : )

Sorry about the filler-ish chapter, but it needed to be done.

Next chapter will be much better, promise!

Don't forget, 

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