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A/n: if its in this font their talking in Chinese and if its the normal font their talking in korean. And also please expect some late updates.


I was making my way out of my house locking the door and, walking down the street to school, it was only 07:20 and I was pretty early.

I'm not usually this early I was early, cause I was assigned to help these Chinese boy for a tour in my school.

I was the only one to signed up for it and because I'm learning new languages and when I heard new kids from China i was up for it. I'm not Chinese or Korean I'm actually from Canada I moved here to study Korean... but it also turned out to me also learning Chinese just because I live with my cousin who is a lot younger to me don't worry, I live with her parents too.

Her dad is actually Chinese so he helped with my learning too but my aunt is not Canadian or Chinese I'm the only one in my family including my brother who isn't from asia... yes I speak more than 3 languages I speak English, Korean, Chinese, and (Language of your choice)

I opened the door as soon as the office ladies opened it I walked to the office only to see 6 boys ....

'I thought it was only 3.' I thought

But I just introduced myself "Hello I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n)"

"Hello we are boy story"

'hahaha wow they serisouly have an introduction' I thought

"Hello I'm Hanyu." said the tallest one.

"Hello I'm Zihao" said the one beside Hanyu

"Hello I'm Xinglong."

"Hello I'm Zeyu."

"Hello I'm Mingrui."

"Hello I'm Shuyang."

After they introduced theirselves I showed them the most important parts of the school and, learned more about them. The bell rang signalling all students to go to their homeroom class.

"Do you guys know your schedules?" I asked looking at them.

"Yes." they said in sync

"I showed everything, if you need any questions ask the office or me..... I'll get going now, good luck" I said leaving them.


"Hey, Mingrui I know you like Y/n."
said Hanyu gege teasing me

"I don't like her she's not my type plus she could do better than touring kids." I said coldly.

"You don't even know her yet, why you judging her so quickly mingrui." said Zeyu gege making a fact

"True" said Hanyu gege

"Whatever." I said walking away


I was making my way to my class when suddenly....

"YAHHHHHH (Y/L/N) (Y/N)!!!!" I heard

'ohhh maaa gooshhhh' i thought

"annyeonhaseyo (Y/n) unnie" said Sohye

"Heyyyy Sohye what's up?" I asked not looking at her direction

"I was wondering when are we practicing ddu du ddu du?" she asked

"Ummm I dont really know did you ask Chaewon unnie?" i asked looking at her

"Noooo... you said she told you she is leaving Yuyu"

"Right uhh maybe after school?" I said

"Okayyyyy I'll tell Chaemin unnie.... ohhh yeah what happened to the new kids.. I know their boys are they cute?" she said making me chuckle

"I'll see you later Sohye make sure you tell Chaemin after school kay?"



Word count: 551

hi sorry its pretty short thanks for reading this first chapter... im sorry to the fans of "My ex is an idol" i had to delete it but if you want i can remake it thanks again

~~~~~ @mingruisbae

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