Chapter Six

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The sun had finally set behind the Royal Palace as the Imperial ball has begun. The royal musicians are playing some light tunes on their strings, waiters are weaving through the crowd with trays full of champagne; aside from the imperials, this looked to be just another gala the queen would throw.

Speaking of the Queen, she made her entrance about half an hour after the ball had started. She adorned a formfitting brick red, lace dress that made her look extremely elegant. The lace was a floral type that overlaid a nude to brick red silk dress. Together the two made Jamillia look like a million credits. Her hair had been straightened and hung loose around her sides. The front pieces of her hair had been pulled up in a small quiff at her hairline and she wore a small tiara piece on top of that.

"Wow," a voice said from behind her. Jamillia turned to see a familiar face. "Commander Fox, you look dashing!" She smiled, admiring the brick red tunic and black slacks he adorned. "My lady, you look absolutely beautiful this evening," He took one of her hands and kissed the back of it. "May I have this dance?" Jamillia nodded and followed Fox to the dance floor.

With their hands together, Fox held the small of her back while Jamillia's free hand picked up her skirt. The music played as they swayed, completely surrounded by their own little world.

Meanwhile up closer to the stage of the ballroom, Lord Vader, Rex and Cody all stood around, conversing. Rex and Cody's attire matched Fox's except their shirts matched the colors of their uniforms. Vader, however, looked almost completely different.

He was unmasked and hooded behind a dark cloak. Underneath the cloak, he wore a loose, black v-neck tunic and black slacks. Still wearing his leather boots and his leather gloves, Darth Vader looked more like a darker version of Anakin Skywalker.

"Hey boss, Rex," Cody lightly tapped one of Anakin's forearms with his wrist, seeing as he had a drink within his grasp. "Check out Fox and the Queen."

The three men turned their attention to where their companion swayed with the former queen, laughing and talking as they smiled at each other.

"Well," Rex smirked. "Someone's getting into the swing of things, wouldn't you say?"

Anakin chuckled, crossing his arms. "This explains why he was so happy after he went and talked to her earlier."

Rex turned to his boss, placing a hand around shoulders. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn once she arrives. Fox was saying that he saw her with the Queen earlier," He gave him a shake before dropping his arm.

"I sure hope so," He smiled at them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

About an hour into the ball, Jamillia made her way to the stage. As she walked to center stage, Fox stood with Rex, Cody and Anakin. Rex and Cody were taunting him about his dance with the Queen while Anakin was listening to Jamillia's speech.

"Thank you," She smiled as the claps she received going up there diminished. "I'd like to thank you all for coming to the Imperial Welcoming Ball. We are here tonight not only to celebrate my last day as queen but also welcome our new leaders. One of those being Lord Vader," Jamillia waved a hand towards Anakin's direction as a spotlight found its way to above him. Only his mouth was visible, which was tugged up in a smirk as he gave a slight nod to the applauding guests and the queen on stage.

"He will be taking over tomorrow so as a welcome gift, one of my personal friends and my personal handmaiden will be singing for us tonight." Jamillia flashed the crowd with a dazzling smile as the musicians were settled up on the stage. "Grab a partner and enjoy this first song which will be sung by Neberrie!"

Jamillia sashayed off the stage and over to Fox. The clones greeted her briefly before the two walked over to the dance floor. Vader smiled after them, only to be pulled into a trance by the haunting voice of 'Neberrie.'

"If I should stay..."

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