Chapter Twenty: The Wedding

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((Make sure you listen to the music while reading))

Fo.A 2, September 5th

The early September sun cast its golden hues down on the Party Field as hobbits ran to and fro carrying out their assigned tasks, all under Sam's watchful eye. It was his duty as Best Hobbit to make sure everything went smoothly, and that there were no surprises.

Pippin came up next to Sam, looking out over the hobbits silently. He turned to Sam, moving his fingers in a bizarre pattern.

Sam nodded. "Everything is on schedule, I've made sure of it. All will be ready by tonight."

More of the strange patterns, ending with Pippin shooting his hands up and then opening them wide as if it were an explosion.

"No," Sam said adamantly, "no fireworks of any kind."

Pippin gave a crooked smile and wriggled his eyebrows as he repeated the same motion with his hands, only making the "explosion" bigger.

"I'll knock your head in should you even try it!" Sam exclaimed.

Pippin pretended to be scared, then gave Sam a wink. Sam tried to grab him, but Pippin was faster, and he took off with Sam close behind.

"Come back you Wooley-footed pest!"


Boromir sat on the bench outside Bag End, pipe in hand as he enjoyed the morning sun and the crisp morning air; it helped to cast off the shadows of the night.

Frodo appeared walking down the path from the house and came to sit beside Boromir, his own pipe already lit. "You're troubled again," he said after a moment's silence.

Boromir coughed and looked at the hobbit. "Why do you say that?"

Frodo blew out a smoke ring and smiled. "You're sitting here, aren't you? This is where you come to sit and think." Frodo looked at him. "I know because I do the same thing."

Boromir conceded. "You discern correctly then," he replied. "My dreams have been dark of late, and I sleep little. The days are not much better, what with spies and treachery around every corner.

"Údar is missing, Amarth is still out there somewhere, friends look over their shoulders, and apparently a mysterious cult plans to take over Gondor!"

"Is that all?" asked Frodo, seeming slightly amused.

Boromir was taken aback. "Does none of this cause you concern?" he asked, baffled.

"It's my wedding day, Boromir, and for today no concern shall touch me save that I do not faint." He looked sidelong at Boromir as he smiled a little. "There had truly never been a happier time in my life than that which I have experienced with Arabella." He blew another smoke ring, watching it float away on the breeze. "Life is too short to worry about tomorrow when we could be living for today, my friend."

"I shall have to start calling you Frodo the Sage," Boromir replied, chuckling a little as he blew a smoke ring of his own.

There was a commotion below in the field, and Frodo saw Sam chasing Pippin around yelling out insults. Frodo shook his head as he laughed. "Boromir, my friend," said Frodo, placing the pipe back in his mouth. "Tonight will be a night to remember."


The air smelled of sweet lavender, and fresh-cut flowers were everywhere; so much so that some of the slower-witted hobbits had thought spring had come!

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