Chapter Fifteen: Friendly Faces

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Fo.A 2, August 13th

The adventures of the road and long lost their sense of wondering and excitement for Ninel since leaving Edoras over two weeks ago. Having never left the protective walls of Minas Tirith, Ninel found herself facing a world much more extensive than any she had known before, and one filled with more danger than she had yet to realize.

They had stayed several days longer than Aragorn would have preferred to do at the request of Eomer, who had sent news of Merry's death to his sister. Eowyn had arrived the day before they had left and had gone down to pay her respects, Ninel accompanying her. Ninel had watched how Eowyn remained poise and steadfast at the door of Merry's tomb; she was a mountain, rooted in place, unmovable, and beautiful to behold. Ninel swore she would follow her adoptive mother's example.

Voices from up ahead brought Ninel back to the present, and, looking towards the front of the group, she saw a line of men standing in the road; they all wore mottled brown and black cloaks with dirt-covered boots, showing a fair amount of use of recent. Ninel's pulse quickened as the tallest of them stepped out from the line, hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Halt!" called the man in a commanding voice. His face was partially hidden underneath his hood, and Ninel could not make him out. "Who are you, and what brings you north?"

Aragorn and Legolas rode out to meet the man, stopping a few paces away. Ninel turned to Beregond and asked, "What is he doing? There's twenty of them!"

Beregond nodded. "Aye, they should have brought more."

Aragorn was speaking, and Ninel turned slack-jawed back to the scene before her. "We are riding north for a wedding," Aragorn was saying, "and, as king of the Northern Lands I may ride where I will."

"King?" said the man. "I see only a scruffy Ranger in a king's clothes."

All was silent for a long moment, and Ninel could hear her heart beating in her ears; then she became more confused when Aragorn started laughing, the hooded man quickly joining him. Had she missed something? Ninel looked to Beregond who wore a small smile.

Aragorn climbed down from his horse, embracing the man. "Ah, it is good to see you Halbarad."

Ninel heaved a sigh of relief and heard Beregond chuckling softly beside her. Men! She thought. Why must they always be so confusing?

"Why are you so far from the Shire?" Aragorn asked as he greeted the other Dúnedain by name.

Halbarad finished his own greetings and turned to meet his king. "We were sent by Lord Boromir to greet you, and to make sure you made it safely," he replied.

Aragorn caught the intention behind the words and nodded his understanding: Not here. Aragorn turned to the others and gave the command to make camp for the night.

Later on, as everyone went about their assigned duties, Ninel caught sight of Legolas tending to the horses and decided to walk over and say hello; they had as of yet not been formally introduced. As she drew closer, she could see that he was taller than she'd thought him to be, for the top of her head only reached as high as his chest.

Legolas turned towards her as she walked up, smiling. "Mae govannen, Ninel," he said lightly.

Ninel felt her cheeks flush, and she suddenly felt very foolish for coming over. "Thank you," she replied shyly.

"Would you like to help me with the horses? I would enjoy the company."

Ninel nodded, but remained standing where she was; Legolas ventured a guess. "You have not tended to a horse before?"

Boromir's Return -II- Book Four of the Tales of the Fourth Age SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now