"Well, (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, I'm excited to see if you'll be joining us this summer," Candece shakes your hand, and motions for you all to follow her as she sits back down next to the suit dude. You sit down across from the business duo, in between Lauren and Camila. You pleasently note that Lauren has not yet dropped your hand. "This is Griffin, our struggling talent scout for this tour-" Candece attempts to make the introduction.

"Hey now, I wouldn't be struggling so much if I didn't want this tour to be perfect, now would I?" Griffin raises an eyebrow. Your stomach drops. If they're looking for nothing less than perfection, you're nervous as to how this whole ordeal is going to go over. "Hello, (Y/N), I'm Griffin, and don't let the blonde monster over there scare you, alright? We're gonna keep this all super casual, and judging by Camila's reviews, I'm sure we'll like what you have to offer us today."

"Trust me, you will," Lauren speaks up for you, looking over at you and winking.

"In that case, I'm very excited to get started. (Y/N), would you mind telling me a few things about yourself? We need all the boring information before we can get to the fun stuff," he says lightheartedly. You thought the process would be far more painful, but Candece and Griffin keep it short and sweet, asking personal information. Your full name, address, living situation, things about your family, previous performing experience, why you think you'd be good on the tour, how long you've been singing, etcetera. Camila helps you with some of them, you tell a few stories, and everyone just gets to know each other. Personally, your favorite parts are when you're just starting to break out of your shell and get warmed up and talking without so much of Camila's help. Why? Well, you keep catching Lauren staring at you with an amused smile and absorbed, entertained, loving, bright eyes. Plus, she's taken up this cute habit of playing with your fingers when she thinks you're starting to freak out. Before you know it, an hour has passed without you realizing it. You and Camila are just finishing with telling a story about the bunny you found at recess in fourth grade when Griffin, who was still coughing and trying to recover from his fit of laughter, manages to ask you if you want to take a break before you start singing, or just hop right to it. There's the bomb you've been waiting for.

"Um, I think I need some water," you squeak. It isn't a total lie, your throat is kinda dry, but you mostly want to buy some time. It's amazing how cold the room seems to get again, once all the step one easing into is done with.

"I'll take you to the vending machines," Lauren offers quickly. "Camz, why don't you stay here and uh, help set up the studio, go over (Y/N)'s range limits and stuff with Candece and Griff? We'll meet you back there in a few minutes."

"Um, yeah, sure," Camila agrees with a curious smirk. "Have fun, you two. Get me some Kisses."

Lauren rolls her eyes and grabs your shoulders as you stand up, steering you out of the room.

"You know they can smell fear," she jokes once you're back in the hallway.

"Yeah, apparently you can too," you laugh.

"You're just easy to read, that's all," she shrugged.

"Do you read a lot?" you ask, changing the subject. She seems taken aback.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. Why?" She looks amused.

"You just...seem like a booky person. Not to mention your vocabulary is kind of mature, you think quick on your feet, and don't speak like a total imbecile most of the time," you run into her shoulder. "Besides, I think that better book readers are usually better people readers."

"Huh," she says, mulling over your words.

"What's your favorite?" you ask, pulling her out of her thoughts.

Just Your Luck (Lauren/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora