David stared at him once more, he didn't want to force any of the boys to do anything that they wanted to, it wasn't right. "Bring them in"

Daniel got up and opened the door "CORBYN, JONAH, JACK AND ZACH COME HERE!!!!" Footsteps were heard as the sound of Zach and Jack yelling at each other were heard when Jonah was shoved through the door barking at the other two. "Cut it out" Corbyn shoved past all of them flopping himself in a seat before anyone else. "Alright boys" David looked at all of them "It's time we have a chat"

The tablet twirled in David's hand.

"Let's talk school, I saw you on those tweets, who likes it, who doesn't. This is how we're going to do it. I ask the questions, show by the raise of hands if you're in or you're out. You're free to voice your opinions, from their I will talk to your parents and get back to you. Understood?" They nodded.

He looked around the room "By show of hands, who likes the idea of attending high school" he gave a slight smile "Be honest"

Jack and Zach looked at the boys before raising their hands.

"Only you two? Jonah?"

"Don't really feel it" David looked at Corbyn who raised an eyebrow "It really does suck" They all knew how Daniel felt about it.

"What's your take on music? Singing, playing, doing music"

"Music comes from the soul" Jonah spoke smiling. Corbyn agreed "Yeah it comes from the heart"

"I wouldn't mind doing it" Jack stated. Zach looked at the boys "We all have the talent to become something big, we all know it. What's the point in wasting talent that we all have"

David thought for a while "So I'm assuming music is something you all want to pursue, am I right?" The boys agreed. "What if I can get you there" They took the information in. "It's going to take some time, first off I need to contact your parents, I know you're in my care for now but there's more to be added, this business comes with risks guys, your entire life will change if you turn into something big. You will have fans, fame, money, your life will no longer be private, you will become closed off from your families, it gets tough, think you can handle any of that"

"It's worth a shot" Daniel was now glued to everything David was saying. He liked the idea and wanted to pursue it further. "It's settled, I will talk to your parents, in the meanwhile you go to school, do your homework, do whatever you have to survive the year at least and then we talk a career, after all I will need to get you into a studio, I will need lyrics, it's a lot of work boys, know that" David began tapping on keys on the tablet and then switched over to his phone. The boys got up and walked out of the door closing it behind them looking at each other. "Is this is the beginning?" Zach asked. Daniel bit his lip "Maybe it is"

*AHS-The Next Day*

"Jack, Jack Avery isn't it" Kaylen walked up to Jack by his locker when he slammed it meeting face to face with the devil herself but to Daniel she was everything. "Yeah" he eyed her closely. "That tweet you tagged me in, I mean what does it have to do with me" Jack drew closer to her and whispered "Don't say I told you this but I think my buddy Dan has the hots for you" she smiled evily. "Okay but whose girl number two" It was at this point Kim walked past over hearing the conversation and scoffed looking at Kaylen, the two girls made intense eye contact before walking into Math class with Jack's eyes gazing after them. Things were about to get heated.

Daniel was already in his seat and both Kaylen and Kim took up their original positions, he stared at them both and then looked away. Corbyn, Jack and Zach all knew what was going on but where was Jonah... in the Janitor's closet.

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